Wondering if someone could offer some best practice on logging techniques they use and maybe tagging certain events using airbrake or newrelic or loggly, or something of that nature?
For example, lets say I have events that should never hit my controller in theory, because they are protected on the front end - like a regular user being able to manage an admin. I prevent these controls from being outputted on the front end using ruby if statements. So if my controller gets hit with a request like this, then I know that either that code isn't working right, or someone is doing some hacking with the request being sent.
Either way I want to know. I just found myself writing:
#TODO: Log this. Either the front end is broken or the user is sending hacked requests
Wondering if anyone can offer some insight as to how they handle it, maybe with a third party logging tool, maybe with some sort of tag that I could set up email alerts with said tool?