Is there any way to determine if a checkbox is checked in a webView?

Below is the query for the remember_me checkbox The value does not change because this is the value submitted with the form.

Any ideas?

irb(main):032:0> query("webView css:'#remember_me'") [ [0] { "class" => "", "nodeType" => "ELEMENT_NODE", "id" => "remember_me", "textContent" => "", "html" => "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"remember_me\" value=\"1\" name=\"rm\">", "rect" => { "bottom" => 191, "y" => 609, "right" => 23, "x" => 30, "center_x" => 48, "width" => 39, "height" => 39, "top" => 178, "left" => 10, "center_y" => 627 }, "value" => "1", "nodeName" => "INPUT", "webView" => "webview" } ]


1 回答 1


Calabash-Android 目前不支持使用查询语法在 webview 元素上调用方法。但是,您可以在 web 视图中调用 javascript 来获取结果。

evaluate_javascript("webView", "return document.getElementById('remember_me').checked;")
于 2015-06-09T18:13:19.620 回答