Cornice 的文档提到了如何使用滤锅的MappingSchema子类来验证您的模式。为了同样的目的,我们应该如何使用 colanderalchemy 模式?因为如果我们使用文档中所述的 colanderalchemy 创建模式,则模式对象已经实例化了滤锅的类,我认为这会导致错误。


from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from cornice.resource import resource, view
from colanderalchemy import SQLAlchemySchemaNode
from sqlalchemy import (

Base = declarative_base()

SQLAlchemy part

class DBTable(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'mytable'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,
                info={'colanderalchemy': {'exclude': True}})
    name = Column(Unicode(70), nullable=False)
    description = Column(Unicode(256))

ColanderAlchemy part

ClndrTable = SQLAlchemySchemaNode(DBTable)

Cornice part


@resource(collection_path='%s/' % PRF, path='%s/{fid}' % PRF)
class TableApi(object):
    def __init__(self, request):
        self.request = request

    @view(schema=ClndrTable, renderer='json')
    def put(self):
        # do my stuff here


NotImplementedError: Schema node construction without a typ argument or a schema_type() callable present on the node class

As I've mentioned earlier, I am suspecting that the problem is that ClndrTable (given as an argument to the view decorator) is an instantiation of the automatically generated schema by colanderalchemy.

Anyone knowing how to resolve this?

Thanks all in advance!


1 回答 1


This appears to be due to the issue of colander having both a typ property and a schema_type property. They're both supposed to tell you the schema's type, but they can actually be different values. I filed an issue with colander, but if there's a fix it'll likely not make it to pypi any time soon.

So what's happing is: ColanderAlchemy ignores schema_type and uses typ while Cornice ignores typ and uses schema_type.

You can hack a fix with the following: ClndrTable.schema_type = lambda: ClndrTable.typ

However, that just leads you to the next exception:

cornice.schemas.SchemaError: schema is not a MappingSchema: <class 'colanderalchemy.schema.SQLAlchemySchemaNode'>

This is due to Cornice not duck typing but expecting all Schema to be a subclass of MappingSchema. However, MappingSchema is just a Schema with typ/schema_type being Mapping (which is what ColanderAlchemy returns).

I'll see if I can enact some changes to fix this.


Despite the names, 'typ' and 'schema_type' have two different purposes. 'typ' always tells you the type of a schema instance. 'schema_type' is a method that's called to give a SchemaNode a default type when it's instantiated (so it's called in the __init__ if you don't pass a typ in, but other than that it's not supposed to be used).

Cornice has been patched to properly use typ now (though, as of this message, it's not part of the latest release).

于 2015-06-10T16:15:26.707 回答