我正在更新一些旧代码以使用 SortedList(Of String, Integer) 对象,而最低级别的函数突然开始抛出错误。当我开始枚举解析的行时,会引发“KeyNotFoundException”错误。代码如下:
Public Function GetFileToolList(ByVal EIAFilePath As String) As SortedList(Of String, Integer)
'Gets a full list of tools being used (and reused) in a GCode program
Dim tools As New SortedList(Of String, Integer)
Dim words() As String
For Each line As String In IO.File.ReadAllLines(EIAFilePath)
'Determine if line contains M6
If line.ToUpper.Contains("T") Then
If line.Contains("M06") Or line.Contains("M6") Then
'If line ends with M06(M6) or contains M06(M6) then parse string to extract tool number
' If line contains M06(M6) then parse to second tool number after M-Code
' Example: T120 M06 T121
' Changes from T120 to T121
words = line.Split(" ")
If Not IsNothing(words) Then
For i = 0 To words.Length - 1 Step 1
If words(i).ToUpper.StartsWith("T") Then
If Not (i + 1) >= words.Length Then
If words(i + 1).ToUpper.Contains("M06") Or words(i + 1).ToUpper.Contains("M6") Then
'START OF UPDATED CODE**********************
If IsNothing(tools) Then
tools.Add(words(i).Remove(0, 1), 1)
If Not tools.ContainsKey(words(i).Remove(0,1)) Then
tools.Add(words(i).Remove(0, 1), 1)
tools(words(i).Remove(0, 1)) += 1
End If
End If
'END OF UPDATED CODE************************
Continue For
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return tools
End Function
我看到的有关此错误的所有线程都与 Dictionary 对象有关。我最接近的是“工具”SortedList 对象,但异常是在字符串数组上引发的。那么,如果您可以通过枚举“单词”来解释为什么会发生异常,那么可能导致此异常和加分的原因是什么。提前致谢!