我有四个线程使用 CompletableFuture 异步运行,如下面的代码所示。他们都应该访问“grownSeedXYList”。有时当我运行代码时,我没有收到任何错误,但有时我收到“java.util.concurrent.completionexception”,我认为这是因为“grownSeedXYList”不同步。
this.grownSeedXYList is a list that will be populated with some Point objects based on the runnable class used (GrowSeedSERun, GrowSeedNWRun, GrowSeedNERun, GrowSeedSWRun)
四个线程使用 Compltable future 运行
this.grownSeedXYList = new ArrayList<Point>();
this.growSeedFutureList = CompletableFuture.runAsync(new GrowSeedSERun(this.saliencyMat, this.seedXY, this.seedVal), this.growSeedExecutor);
this.growSeedFutureList = CompletableFuture.runAsync(new GrowSeedNWRun(this.saliencyMat, this.seedXY, this.seedVal), this.growSeedExecutor);
this.growSeedFutureList = CompletableFuture.runAsync(new GrowSeedNERun(this.saliencyMat, this.seedXY, this.seedVal), this.growSeedExecutor);
this.growSeedFutureList = CompletableFuture.runAsync(new GrowSeedSWRun(this.saliencyMat, this.seedXY, this.seedVal), this.growSeedExecutor);
GrowSeedSERun 类:
private class GrowSeedSERun implements Runnable {
private Mat saliencyMat = null;
private double seedVal;
private Point seedXY = null;
public GrowSeedSERun(Mat saliencyMat, Point seedXY, double seedVal) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.saliencyMat = saliencyMat;
this.seedXY = seedXY;
this.seedVal = seedVal;
public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
growSeedsSE(this.saliencyMat, this.seedXY, this.seedVal);
private void growSeedsSE(Mat saliencyMat, Point seedXY, Double seedVal) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int origX = (int) seedXY.x;
int origY = (int) seedXY.y;
if ( this.withinRange(saliencyMat.get(origY, ++origX)[0]) ) {
if ( (this.grownSeedXYList != null) && (!this.grownSeedXYList.contains(new Point(origX, origY))) ) {
//Log.D(TAG, "growSeedsSE", "newX: origX: "+origX);
//Log.D(TAG, "growSeedsSE", "newX: origY: "+origY);
//Log.D(TAG, "growSeedsSE", "newX: value: "+saliencyMat.get(origY, origX)[0]);
this.grownSeedXYList.add(new Point(origX, origY));
} else {
Log.D(TAG, "growSeedsSE", "point: "+ new Point(origX, origY)+" contained in the list");
this.growSeedsSE(this.saliencyMat, new Point(origX, origY), this.saliencyMat.get(origY, origX)[0]);
} else if ( this.withinRange(saliencyMat.get(++origY, (int) this.seedXY.x)[0]) ) {
origX = (int) this.seedXY.x;
if ( (this.grownSeedXYList != null) && (!this.grownSeedXYList.contains(new Point(origX, origY))) ) {
//Log.D(TAG, "growSeedsSE", "newY: origX: "+origX);
//Log.D(TAG, "growSeedsSE", "newY: origY: "+origY);
//Log.D(TAG, "growSeedsSE", "newY: value: "+saliencyMat.get(origY, origX)[0]);
this.grownSeedXYList.add(new Point(origX, origY));
} else {
Log.D(TAG, "growSeedsSE", "point: "+ new Point(origX, origY)+" contained in the list");
this.growSeedsSE(this.saliencyMat, new Point(origX, origY), this.saliencyMat.get(origY, origX)[0]);