我实现了一个像魅力一样工作的装饰器,直到我为装饰类添加了属性。当我实例化该类时,它无法访问 calss 属性。采取以下最小的工作示例:
from module import specialfunction
class NumericalMathFunctionDecorator:
def __init__(self, enableCache=True):
self.enableCache = enableCache
def __call__(self, wrapper):
def numericalmathfunction(*args, **kwargs):
func = specialfunction(wrapper(*args, **kwargs))
Do some setup to func with decorator arguments (e.g. enableCache)
return numericalmathfunction
class Wrapper:
places = ['home', 'office']
configs = {
'attr1': 'path/at/home',
'attr2': 'jhdlt'
'attr1': 'path/at/office',
'attr2': 'sfgqs'
def __init__(self, where='home'):
# Look for setup configuration on 'Wrapper.configs[where]'.
assert where in Wrapper.places, "Only valid places are {}".format(Wrapper.places)
def __call__(self, X):
"""Do stuff with X and return the result
return X ** 2
model = Wrapper()
当我实例化 Wrapper 类(#1)时,出现以下错误:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-a99bd3d544a3> in <module>()
15 assert where in Wrapper.places, "Only valid places are {}".format(Wrapper.places)
---> 17 model = Wrapper()
<ipython-input-5-a99bd3d544a3> in numericalmathfunction(*args, **kwargs)
5 def __call__(self, wrapper):
6 def numericalmathfunction(*args, **kwargs):
----> 7 func = wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
8 return numericalmathfunction
<ipython-input-5-a99bd3d544a3> in __init__(self, where)
13 def __init__(self, where='home'):
14 # Look for setup configuration on 'Wrapper.configs[where]'.
---> 15 assert where in Wrapper.places, "Only valid places are {}".format(Wrapper.places)
17 model = Wrapper()
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'places'
我猜想通过装饰器,Wrapper 成为一个失去对其属性的访问的函数......