实际上我错了,我在考虑 pytesseract,而不是 python-tesseract。
如果您查看 API 源代码 (baseapi_mini.h),您会发现有些功能听起来非常适合您尝试做的事情。您感兴趣的部分大约从第 500 行开始。
char* GetUTF8Text();
* Make a HTML-formatted string with hOCR markup from the internal
* data structures.
* page_number is 0-based but will appear in the output as 1-based.
char* GetHOCRText(int page_number);
* The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded in the same
* format as a box file used in training. Returned string must be freed with
* the delete [] operator.
* Constructs coordinates in the original image - not just the rectangle.
* page_number is a 0-based page index that will appear in the box file.
char* GetBoxText(int page_number);
* The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded
* as UNLV format Latin-1 with specific reject and suspect codes
* and must be freed with the delete [] operator.
char* GetUNLVText();
/** Returns the (average) confidence value between 0 and 100. */
int MeanTextConf();
* Returns all word confidences (between 0 and 100) in an array, terminated
* by -1. The calling function must delete [] after use.
* The number of confidences should correspond to the number of space-
* delimited words in GetUTF8Text.
int* AllWordConfidences();
* Applies the given word to the adaptive classifier if possible.
* The word must be SPACE-DELIMITED UTF-8 - l i k e t h i s , so it can
* tell the boundaries of the graphemes.
* Assumes that SetImage/SetRectangle have been used to set the image
* to the given word. The mode arg should be PSM_SINGLE_WORD or
* PSM_CIRCLE_WORD, as that will be used to control layout analysis.
* The currently set PageSegMode is preserved.
* Returns false if adaption was not possible for some reason.
python-tesseract 很好,因为它可以让你快速启动并运行,但这不是我所说的复杂。您可以阅读源代码并了解它是如何工作的,但这里是概要:
在该文件上调用 tesseract 命令(从命令行)
我有一个应用程序,我需要高性能和等待文件写入磁盘所花费的时间,等待 tesseract 启动并加载图像并处理它等等太多了。
如果我没记错的话(我无法再访问源代码了)我使用 ctypes 来加载一个 tesseract 进程,设置图像数据,然后调用 GetHOCRText 方法。然后当我需要处理另一个图像时,我不必等待 tesseract 再次加载,我只需设置图像数据并再次调用 GetHOCRText。
这是关于包装外部库的另一个问题:Wrapping a C library in Python: C, Cython or ctypes?