Pawnshop Application (any RDBMS):

one-to-many relationship where each customer (master) can have many transactions (detail).

id serial,
unique index on id;
unique cluster index on pk_name;

fk_name char(30),
tran_type char(1), 
ticket_number serial,
dups cluster index on fk_name;
unique index on ticket_number; 

Several people have told me this is not the correct way to join master to detail. They said I should always join customer.id[serial] to transactions.id[integer].

When a customer pawns merchandise, clerk queries the master using wildcards on name. The query usually returns several customers, clerk scrolls until locating the right name, enters a 'D' to change to detail transactions table, all transactions are automatically queried, then clerk enters an 'A' to add a new transaction.

The problem with using customer.id joining transaction.id is that although the customer table is maintained in sorted name order, clustering the transaction table by fk_id groups the transactions by fk_id, but they are not in the same order as the customer name, so when clerk is scrolling through customer names in the master, the system has to jump allover the place to locate the clustered transactions belonging to each customer. As each new customer is added, the next id is assigned to that customer, but new customers dont show up in alphabetical order. I experimented using id joins and confirmed the decrease in performance.

The drawbacks of using name joins vs. id joins is if you change customer name, the join with their transactions is severed, so I dont allow updating the name. Anyway, how often does one need to change a customers name? The other draw back is name requires 30 chars where id is INT, so .dat and .idx are larger. Every morning an sql proc is executed which unloads customer and transactions in sorted name order, drops/re-creates the tables, loads the unloaded data and all indexes are re-created which keeps performance optimized.

How can I use id joins instead of name joins and still preserve the clustered transaction order by name if transactions has no name column?

The following is an example of how the data sits in customer.dat and transactions.dat when using pk/fk name, as described in the above schema:

customer.id customer.pk_name               transaction.fk_name            transaction.ticket_number
----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------
                                           ACEVEDO BERMUDEZ, FRANCISCO J.|123789

                                           ANDUJAR RODRIGUEZ, WILFREDO C.|121212

                                           CASTILLO DIAZ, FRANKLIN J.    |343434

So, when clerk wilcard queries by customer master name, customers transactions are automatically queried and quickly displayed when clerk scrolls thru names returned into the current list since they are in the same sorted order as the master.

Now, the following example is the same data using pk/fk id:

customer.pk_id customer.name                  transactions.fk_id transactions.ticket_#
-------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ---------------------
             2|ACEVEDO BERMUDEZ, FRANCISCO J.                  1|232323

             3|ANDUJAR RODRIGUEZ, WILFREDO C.                  2|123456

             1|CASTILLO DIAZ, FRANKLIN J.                      3|101010

OK, so now keep in mind that my perform 1-page screen includes all customer columns and all transactions columns, and there's a master/detail instruction which when the clerk queries by customer name, the first transaction row belonging to that customer is automatically displayed. Then the clerk will press 'D' to make transactions the active table and press 'A' to add a new transaction, or clerk may scroll through all the customers transactions to update one in particular or just provide customer with info.

When using the pk/fk name method, as the clerk scrolls through customer names to locate the desired customer, response is immediate. Whereas when using the pk/fk id method, response time lags, even with supported indexing, because the engine has to jump to different locations in the transactions table to locate the corresponding group of transactions belonging to each customer as clerk scrolls through each customer name in the master!

So, it seems like having the customer's transaction rows grouped together and in the same sorted order as the customer rows allows the indexing to locate the transactions quicker as opposed to having to jump all over scattered groups of each customers transactions. If each customer could remember their customer i.d. number, then my issue would be academic, but in the realworld, we even gave each customer an i.d. card with their customer number on it, but most of them lost their cards!

Here's an example of the daily reorg executed every morning before pawnshop opens for business:

 {ISQL-SE (customer and transactions table reorg - once-daily, before start of    
  business, procedure}

 unload to "U:\UNL\CUSTOMERS.UNL"
    select * from customer
  order by customer.pk_name; 

 unload to "U:\UNL\TRAN_ACTIVES.UNL" 
    select * from transaction where transaction.status = "A" 
  order by transaction.fk_name, transaction.trx_date; 

    select * from transaction
     where transaction.status != "A" 
       and transaction.trx_date >= (today - 365) 
  order by transaction.fk_name, transaction.trx_date desc; 

 unload to "U:\UNL\TRAN_HISTORIC.UNL" 
    select * from transaction 
     where transaction.status != "A" 
       and transaction.trx_date < (today - 365) 
  order by transaction.trx_date desc; 

 drop table customer;     

 drop table transaction;

 create table customer
  id serial,
  pk_name char(30),

 create table transaction
  fk_name char(30),
  ticket_number serial,
  tran_type char(1), 
  status char(1), 
  trx_date date, 

 load from "U:\UNL\CUSTOMERS.UNL"      insert into customer     {>4800 nrows}
 load from "U:\UNL\TRAN_ACTIVES.UNL"   insert into transaction; {500:600 nrows avg.} 
 load from "U:\UNL\TRAN_INACTIVES.UNL" insert into transaction; {6500:7000 nrows avg.} 
 load from "U:\UNL\TRAN_HISTORIC.UNL"  insert into dss:historic;{>500K nrows} 

 create unique cluster index cust_pk_name_idx on customer(pk_name);
 create        cluster index tran_cust_idx    on transaction(fk_name); 

 {this groups each customers transactions together, actives in 
  oldest trx_date order first, then inactive transactions within the last year in most  
  recent trx_date order. inactives older than 1 year are loaded into historic  
  table in a separate database, on a separate hard disk. historic table  
  optimization is done on a weekly basis for DSS queries.} 

 create unique index tran_ticket_num_idx on transaction(ticket_num); 
 create        index tran_trx_date_idx   on transaction(trx_date); 
 create        index tran_status_idx     on transaction(status); 

 [grant statements...;] 

 update statistics; 

If you have time, I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO TEST THIS!.. It's more noticeable when you have a large table.


3 回答 3


他们是对的。加入 CHAR(30) 文本字段 - 特别是包含人名数据的文本字段 - 会很慢,效率极低且非常脆弱。人们确实会改变他们的名字(婚姻就是一个明显的例子),并且多个人可以有相同的名字。


我将从 customer.id 上的 UNIQUE INDEX、transaction.ticket_number 上的 UNIQUE INDEX 和交易(id、ticket_number DESC)上的 INDEX(用于性能而不是基数,因此强制唯一性不是非常重要)开始,然后从那里。数据按其在索引中出现的顺序从事务表返回。


于 2010-06-18T02:41:14.557 回答

你会遇到一些不适合 CHAR(30) 的长名字的人的问题,特别是如果你包含一个完整的中间名。

我认为您过分关注按名称聚类交易。在您描述的场景中,您选择了一个客户列表(因此我可以看到一些要求,以便通过名称轻松访问客户,尽管索引应该就足够了)。然后针对特定客户访问交易,因此无论它们是按客户 ID 还是客户名称进行聚类都无关紧要。

于 2010-06-18T03:25:47.713 回答

对于您提到的任何产品,您在数据库中拥有的记录数量都是微不足道的。一个结构正确的数据库将没有问题按 ID 返回事务。

在这种情况下,适当的结构意味着 ID 列是客户表中的主键和事务表中的外键。通常外键会自动建立索引,但如果您使用的产品不会发生这种情况,则必须为事务表中的 customer_id 列建立索引。不要在事务表中包含名称字段。


于 2010-06-28T03:33:00.607 回答