处理具有依赖于域名的密钥的外部 API 的最佳方法是什么?这是不好的做法,两者都应该在同一台服务器上吗?
在这种情况下,我将尝试用 PHP 来解释它
class API_Client
const ENV_STAGING = 'staging';
const ENV_PRODUCTION = 'production';
protected static $apiKeys = array(
self::ENV_STAGING => 'thisisthekeyformystagingenv',
self::ENV_PRODUCTION => 'thisisthekeyformyproductionenv',
protected static $environment = self::ENV_PRODUCTION;
public static function getEnvironment()
return self::$environment;
public static function setEnvironment($environment)
self::$environment = $environment;
public static function apiCall($call)
$environment = self::getEnvironment();
if(array_key_exists(self::$apiKeys, $environment))
$apiKey = self::$apiKeys[$environment];
else throw new Exception("No API key found for current environment '$environment'");
return self::_apiCall($apiKey, $call);
protected static function _apiCall($apiKey, $call)
// Make the call to the API