我可以在 mysql 上找到搜索,例如下面的示例;
记录是:I'Histoire 查询搜索:IHistoire
通过这个 sql 查询,我可以找到带有 ' 字符串的单词。
select kitap_id,kitap_Adi,turu,fiyati,kargo,satici,yazari,yayinevi,yayin_Yili,yayin_Yeri,kucuk_Re sim,kondisyon FROM kitaplar WHERE onay='1' and (REPLACE(kitap_Adi,'''','' ) like '% IHistoire%' OR yazari like '%IHistoire%') order by fiyati asc LIMIT 0,5;
但是在狮身人面像上我该怎么做呢?在下面查询我找到匹配项,我还想找到带有 '.
选择 kitap_id,kitap_Adi,turu,fiyati,kargo,satici,yazari,yayinevi,yayin_Yili,yayin_Yeri,kucuk_Re sim,kondisyon from test1 where match ('@(kitap_Adi,yazari)(IHistoire)') and onay=1 order by kitap_Adi asc , fiyati asc LIMIT 0,5\G;
我怎么能在 sphinxql 中做那个 replace(),我可以在 mysql 端做但是如何在 sphinx 端做?