我正在使用 BS4 解析 HTML 页面:

import re
import codecs
import MySQLdb
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup(open("sprt.htm"), from_encoding='utf-8')
sprt = [[0 for x in range(3)] for x in range(300)]
i = 0

for para in soup.find_all('p'):
    if para.strong is not None:
        sprt[i][0] = para.strong.get_text()
        sprt[i][1] = para.get_text()
        sprt[i][1] = re.sub(re.escape(sprt[i][0]), "", sprt[i][1], re.UNICODE)
        sprt[i][2] = sprt[i][1]
        sprt[i][2] = re.sub(r".+[\.\?][\s\S\n]", "", sprt[i][1], re.S)
        sprt[i][2] = re.sub(r".+Panel", "Panel", sprt[i][2], re.S)
        sprt[i][1] = re.sub(re.escape(sprt[i][2]), "", sprt[i][1])

i += 1
x = 0

我正在解析的页面充满了类似 3 的段落:

<p><strong>Name name. </strong>The Visual Politics of Play: On The Signifying Practices of Digital Games. Panel Proposal (2p)</p>
<p><strong>Name name and Name name. </strong>Pain, Art and Communication. Panel Proposal (2p)</p>
<p><strong>Name name, Name name and Name name. </strong>Waves of Technology: The Hidden Ideologies of Cognitive Neuroscience and the future production of the Iconic. Panel Proposal (2p)</p>


<p><strong>Name name, Name name and Name name. </strong>Waves of Technology: The Hidden Ideologies of Cognitive Neuroscience and the future production of the Iconic. Panel Proposal (2p)</p>


[u'Name name, Name name\xa0and Name name.\xa0', u'Waves\n of Technology: The Hidden Ideologies of Cognitive Neuroscience and the \nfuture production of the Iconic.\xa0Panel Proposal (2p)', u'Waves\n of Technology: The Hidden Ideologies of Cognitive Neuroscience and the \nfuture production of the Iconic.\xa0Panel Proposal (2p)']

有两个换行符 ( \n) 出现在奇怪的地方(之后Waves和之前future)。它们总是出现在相同的位置,而不是随机出现。我认为它们是由于段落的长度,但有一些较长的段落没有\n出现。


sprt[i][2] = re.sub("\n", "", sprt[i][1], re.U, re.S)




2 回答 2

sprt[i][2] = re.sub(r"\n", "", sprt[i][1], re.U, re.S)



于 2015-06-03T21:21:16.150 回答

我怀疑换行符实际上出现在源 Html 文件中。我尝试使用您的段落重现您的错误,但\n直到我在源文件中实际插入了一个新行,我才得到任何错误。这也可以解释为什么其他较长的段落不会发生这种情况:它们在 html 源文件中根本没有任何实际的换行符。

话虽如此,如果我添加您的re.sub行,我确实会删除换行符。(不过我明白了,当然sprt[i][2]不是sprt[i][1]- 你有可能在那里找错地方了吗?)

于 2015-06-03T21:52:13.447 回答