我正在研究 Scala 中的多维数组,并遇到了一些创建多维数组的简单方法。即:

val my3DimensionalArray = Array.ofDim[Int](3,4,5) //array with dimensions 3 x 4 x 5


val myFilledArray = Array.fill[Int](3,4,5)(0) //Array of same dimension filled with 0's

但是,这仅适用于 1 - 5 维数组:

val my6DimensionalArray = Array.ofDim[Int](3,3,3,3,3,3) //Error

那么人们通常如何处理创建更高维度的阵列呢?这是留给第 3 方库来实现,还是 Scala 鼓励我们使用其他数据结构来代替高维数组?


2 回答 2

// create array of 5-dim-array => 6 dim array
Array.tabulate(3)(_ => Array.ofDim[Int](3,3,3,3,3)) 


于 2015-06-03T14:42:21.147 回答


class MultiArray(dims: Array[Int]) {
  private val array = new Array[Double](dims.product)
  private def arrayIndex(index: Array[Int]) = {
    var i = index.length - 1
    var k = index(i)
    var n = 1
    while (i > 0) {
      n *= dims(i)
      k += n * index(i-1)
      i -= 1
  def apply(index: Array[Int]) = array(arrayIndex(index))
  def update(index: Array[Int], value: Double) {
    array(arrayIndex(index)) = value

would be a start. There are various mathematics libraries that do this sort of thing (IIRC Apache Commons Math does I can't quickly find a Java mathematics library that does, but ImgLib2 uses similar techniques for image data (they do local chunking also)). It's not really a generally useful thing to do, which is why you tend to find it in maths libraries.

于 2015-06-03T18:50:20.440 回答