I'm trying to port yield and yield from from Python to Scheme.

Here is an implementation I've done:

(define (coroutine routine)
  (let ((current routine)
    (status 'new))
    (lambda* (#:optional value)
      (let ((continuation-and-value
         (call/cc (lambda (return)
            (let ((returner
                   (lambda (value)
                 (call/cc (lambda (next)
                        (return (cons next value)))))))
              (if (equal? status 'new)
                (set! status 'running)
                (current returner))
                  (current (cons value returner)))
              (set! status 'dead))))))
    (if (pair? continuation-and-value)
        (begin (set! current (car continuation-and-value))
           (cdr continuation-and-value))

The problem, with this implementation is that the way it has to be called doesn't looks like Python's yield.

(define why (call/cc (lambda (yield)
               (format #t "love me or leave me!")
               (yield "I leave!")
               ;; the program never reach this part
               (format #t "it probably left :("))))
(format #t "return actually populates WHY variable\n")
(format #t "WHY: ~a\n")

Among other things, each time I need to-restart the coroutine, I must let a new return variable to be able exit the coroutine. Basically, I find the syntax too verbose. Is there another to have cleaner syntax?

It should be possible to yield and send values to the coroutine. Here is an example of how the coroutine must be used:

(define-coroutine (zrange start step)
  "compute a range of values starting a START with STEP between
   each value. The coroutine must be restarted with 0 or more, which
   is added to the step"
  (let loop ((n start))
    (loop (+ n step (yield n)))))

(coroutine-map (zrange 0 10) '(1 100 1000 10000 100000))
;; => 0 110 1120 11130 111140

In the above, 1 is ignored and then 100, 1000 are send to the generator. I've done an implementation, based on @sylwester code, but I have troubles with the macro:

(define (make-generator procedure)
  (define last-return #f)
  (define last-value #f)
  (define last-continuation (lambda (_) (procedure yield)))

  (define (return value)
    (newline)(display "fuuu")(newline)
    (call/cc (lambda (continuation)
               (set! last-continuation continuation)
               (set! last-value value)
               (last-return value))))
  (lambda* (. rest)  ; ignore arguments
    (call/cc (lambda (yield)
               (set! last-return yield)
               (apply last-continuation rest)))))

(define-syntax define-coroutine
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (name args ...) body ...)
     (define (name args ...)

        (lambda (yield)
          body ...))))))

(define-coroutine (zrange start step)
  (let loop ((n start))
     (loop (+ n step (yield n)))))

(display (map (zrange 0 10) '(1 100 1000 10000 100000)))

3 回答 3



(define (make-generator procedure)
  (define last-return values)
  (define last-value #f)
  (define (last-continuation _) 
    (let ((result (procedure yield))) 
      (last-return result)))

  (define (yield value)
    (call/cc (lambda (continuation)
               (set! last-continuation continuation)
               (set! last-value value)
               (last-return value))))

  (lambda args
    (call/cc (lambda (return)
               (set! last-return return)
               (if (null? args)
                   (last-continuation last-value)
                   (apply last-continuation args))))))


(define test 
   (lambda (collect)
     (collect 1)
     (collect 5)
     (collect 10)

(test) ; ==> 1
(test) ; ==> 5
(test) ; ==> 10
(test) ; ==> #f (procedure finished)


(define-syntax (define-coroutine stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ (name . args) . body )
     #`(define (name . args)
          (lambda (#,(datum->syntax stx 'yield))
            . body))))))

请注意,这define-coroutine是使用 syntax-case 实现的,因为我们需要yield不卫生。

(define-coroutine (countdown-from n)
  (let loop ((n n))
    (if (= n 0)
        (loop (- (yield n) 1)))))

(define countdown-from-10 (countdown-from 10))

(define (ignore procedure)
  (lambda ignore

(map (ignore countdown-from-10) '(1 1 1 1 1 1)) ; ==> (10 9 8 7 6 5)

;; reset
(countdown-from-10 10)  ; ==> 9
(countdown-from-10)     ; ==> 8
;; reset again
(countdown-from-10 100) ; ==> 99
于 2015-06-03T22:38:17.140 回答

这里有一种方法。如果您使用的是 guile,则应该使用提示(它们比使用 guile 的完整延续快大约两个数量级):

如何在 Scheme(Racket 或 ChezScheme)中实现 Python 风格的生成器?

于 2015-06-10T09:10:57.047 回答

感谢@Sylwester 的出色回答。

困难的部分是使yield生成器功能可用。datum->syntax创建一个语法对象,并要求您提供另一个语法对象,从中获取新对象的上下文。在这种情况下,我们可以使用与传入宏的函数具有相同上下文的 stx。


(define-syntax (set-continuation! stx)
  "Simplifies the common continuation idiom
    (call/cc (λ (k) (set! name k) <do stuff>))"
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ name . body)
     #`(call/cc (λ (k)
                  (set! name k)
                  . body))]))

(define-syntax (make-generator stx)
  "Creates a Python-like generator. 
   Functions passed in can use the `yield` keyword to return values 
   while temporarily suspending operation and returning to where they left off
   the next time they are called."
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ fn)
     #`(let ((resume #f)
             (break #f))
         (define #,(datum->syntax stx 'yield)
           (λ (v)
             (set-continuation! resume
               (break v))))
         (λ ()
           (if resume
               (resume #f)
               (set-continuation! break


(define countdown
   (λ ()
     (for ([n (range 5 0 -1)])
           (yield n)))))

=> 5
=> 1
=> 'done
=> 'done
于 2019-02-08T01:51:12.280 回答