I just started using the stringstream for the first time and I love the concept, but I am having a hard time finding where exactly I am having an out of range in memory with my stringstream function.
What my function does is it takes in a string, for example, "N02550 G3 X16.7379 Y51.7040 R0.0115" This is machine code for a CNC machine at my job. I pass the string to a stringstream in order to find the strings that have a X, Z, Y next to them, these are coordinates. It then gets rid of the character at the beggining in order to save the float number to my struct "Coordinate"(there are 3 doubles, x, y, z).
When I run a text file that has this machine code with 33 lines, my program works. When I run it with machine code of 718 lines, it gets to 718, then crashes with out of range memory. Then another weird part is when I run machine code with 118,000 lines, it goes up to around 22,000 lines then crashes. So I'm having trouble figuring out why it is able to do that and whats causing the problem.
Here is the function:
void getC(string& line, Coordinates& c)//coordinates holds 3 doubles, x, y, z
string holder;
stringstream ss(line);
ss >> holder;
if(holder.at(0) == 'X')
holder.erase(0,1);//get rid the the character at the beggining
stringstream sss(holder);
sss >> c.x;
if(holder.at(0) == 'Y')
stringstream sss(holder);
sss >> c.y;
if(holder.at(0) == 'Z')
stringstream sss(holder);
sss >> c.z;
if(ss.eof()) // to get out of the ss stream
If you want to see the whole application(the application is well documented) then ask or if you need the txt files containing the machine code. Thank you!