import os
from pydrive2.auth import GoogleAuth
from pydrive2.drive import GoogleDriv
class GoogleDriveConnection:
_gauth = None
_drive = None
def get() -> GoogleDrive:
This will return a valid google drive connection
:return: A valid GoogleDrive connection
if GoogleDriveConnection._gauth is None or GoogleDriveConnection._drive == None:
GoogleDriveConnection._gauth = GoogleAuth()
GoogleDriveConnection._gauth.LoadCredentialsFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "mycredentials.txt")) # this assume you have saved your credentials, like this: gauth.SaveCredentialsFile("mycredentials.txt")
GoogleDriveConnection._drive = GoogleDrive(GoogleDriveConnection._gauth)
return GoogleDriveConnection._drive
def upload_image(image_path: str, folder_path: str) -> str:
Uploads an image to the google drive, and returns the https path to it
:param image_path: Path to the image, has to end in an image type else the type won't be guessed correctly
:param folder_path: The folder path it should have in the google drive (to structure the data there)
:return: The https path to the uploaded image file, will be empty if the image_path is invalid
if os.path.exists(image_path):
google_drive = GoogleDriveConnection.get()
image = google_drive.CreateFile()
image.SetContentFile(image_path) # load local file data into the File instance
# to remove the path from the filename
image["title"] = os.path.basename(image_path)
if folder_path:
parent_id = GoogleDriveConnection.get_folder_id(folder_path)
image["parents"] = [{"id": parent_id}]
image.Upload() # creates a file in your drive with the name
return "https://drive.google.com/uc?id=" + str(image['id'])
return ""
def get_folder_id(folder_path: str, element_index=0, last_parent=None) -> str:
Gets the id of the given folder path, this function will create the folders, if they do not exist, so it will
always return a valid id, the folder_path elements can be separated like normals via a slash.
:param folder_path: Given folder path
:param element_index: Element index needed for recursive creation of the element
:param last_parent: Last parent only needed for recursive creation of the folder hierarchy
:return: The id to the last folder in the path
folder_path_elements = folder_path.split("/")
if len(folder_path_elements) == element_index:
return last_parent
folder_list = GoogleDriveConnection.get().ListFile({'q': "mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and trashed=false"}).GetList()
current_folder_name = folder_path_elements[element_index]
for item in folder_list:
if item['title'] == current_folder_name and item["parents"][0] == last_parent:
return GoogleDriveConnection.get_folder_id(folder_path, element_index + 1, item['id'])
# not in the list -> folder has to be created
file_metadata = {'title': current_folder_name, 'mimeType': 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'}
if last_parent is not None:
file_metadata['parents'] = [{"id": last_parent}]
new_folder = GoogleDriveConnection.get().CreateFile(file_metadata)
return GoogleDriveConnection.get_folder_id(folder_path, element_index + 1, new_folder["id"])
这使您能够将图像加载到 Google 驱动器,如果您调用get_folder_id
它,它将为您提供该文件夹的 ID,如果该文件夹不存在,它将被创建。