I'm uploading several thousand files through the Box API, and after a few hundred uploads I'm getting a 502 Server Connection Closed error (and the response is HTML, not JSON as I would expect). Average file size is 0.5M

The errors seem to be mostly affecting the larger files, but this could just be because it is more likely for the larger files to be mid-upload when the upload fails.

I'm also retrying files on 502 failures, and I sometimes get a general 500 error response, or sometimes a local ETIMEDOUT or a socket hang up error (I'm uploading using the Node request library). Any thought as to what is the problem here? Is it that Box is somehow having trouble with the amount of stuff I'm uploading from my local computer? (I would doubt that though.)


1 回答 1


看起来这个问题只是用请求重载了 Box。我正在并行上传,在降低并行度后,502 错误停止出现。如果我保持高并行度,当我重试错误次数足够多的请求时,请求最终会通过。

于 2015-06-02T04:26:13.273 回答