我需要创建一个测试,如果作为参数的图(有向图)具有负权循环,则返回 true,否则返回 false。
//if there is a negative cycle, get out and return
public void bellmanFord(Graph<V, E> graph, V source, V dest) {
ArrayList<V> vertices = (ArrayList<V>) graph.getVertices();
HashMap<V, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<V, Boolean>(vertices.size());
for(V v : vertices) {
visited.put(v, false);
boolean cycle = hasNegativeCycle(graph, source, visited, vertices);
if(cycle == true)
else {
public boolean hasNegativeCycle(Graph<V, E> graph, V source, HashMap<V, Boolean> visited, ArrayList<V> vertices) {
visited.put(source, true);
for(V u : vertices) {
ArrayList<V> neigh_u = (ArrayList<V>) graph.getNeighbors(u);
for(V v : neigh_u) {
if(visited.get(v) == true || hasNegativeCycle(graph, v, visited, vertices)) {
return true;
return false;
编辑:正如您从上面写的方法名称中看到的那样,我正在尝试实现 Bellman-Ford 的算法,并且我正在遵循这个伪代码:
BellmanFord(Graph G, Vertex start) {
foreach(Vertex u of G) {
dist[u] = ∞;
prev[u] = -1;
prev[start] = s;
dist[start] = 0;
repeat n times {
foreach(Vertex u of G) {
foreach(Vertex v near u) {
if(dist[u] + weigth_uv < dist[v]) {
prev[v] = u;
dist[v] = dist[u] + weigth_uv;