#cython: language_level=3, boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, initializedcheck=False, cdivision=True
cimport cython
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc
def main(size_t ni, size_t nt, size_t nx):
size_t i, j, t, x, y
double[:, :, ::1] a = <double[:ni, :ni, :nx]>malloc(ni * ni * nx * sizeof(double))
double[:, :, ::1] b = <double[:nt, :ni, :nx]>malloc(nt * ni * nx * sizeof(double))
size_t[:, :, ::1] best = <size_t[:nt, :ni, :nx]>malloc(nt * ni * nx * sizeof(size_t))
size_t mxi
double s, mxs
for t in range(nt):
for j in range(ni):
for y in range(nx): # this loops does nothing but is needed for the effect below.
mxs = -1e300
for i in range(ni):
for x in range(nx):
with cython.boundscheck(False): # Faster!?!?
s = b[t, i, x] + a[i, j, x]
if s >= mxs:
mxs = s
mxi = i
best[t + 1, j, y] = mxi
return best[0, 0, 0]
当使用 gcc -O3 编译并使用参数 (1, 2000, 2000) 调用时,添加 boundscheck=True 导致执行速度比 boundscheck=False 快两倍。
任何暗示为什么会这样?(好吧,我可能猜到这又与 GCC 自动矢量化有关……)
(来自 cython 用户的交叉发布)