这是我迄今为止在 Jython 代码中捕获所有异常的尝试。我发现,最困难的事情是当您从 Java 类中重写方法时捕获异常:使用下面的“vigil”装饰器(它还测试 EDT/Event Despatch Thread 状态是否正确),您可以找到第一行代码被抛出的地方......所以你可以识别方法本身。但不是线。

此外,通过 Python 和 Java 堆栈追溯堆栈帧完全超出了我的范围。显然,似乎存在一层又一层的“代理”类,这无疑是 Jython 机制不可避免的一部分。如果比我聪明得多的人对这个问题感兴趣,那就太好了!


    class ColumnCellRenderer( javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer ):
        @vigil( True ) # means a check is done that the thread is the EDT, as well as intercepting Python Exceptions and Java Throwables...
        def getTableCellRendererComponent( self, table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column):
            super_comp = self.super__getTableCellRendererComponent( table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column)
            super_comp.foreground = java.awt.Color.black
            super_comp.font = main_frame_self.m_plain_font


def custom_hook(type_of_e, e, tb ):
Method to catch Python-style BaseExceptions, using the command sys.excepthook = custom_hook.
The first thing this method needs to do in Jython is to determine whether this is a Java 
java.lang.Throwable or not.  If it is this JThrowable
must be handled by the code which caters for B{uncaught Java Throwables}.        

        if 'tb' not in locals():
            tb = None
        logger.error("Python custom_hook called...\ntype of e: %s\ne: %s\ntb: %s" % ( unicode( type_of_e ), unicode( e ), 
                                                                                    unicode( tb ) ))
        msg = ''.join( traceback.format_exception(type_of_e, e, tb ))
        logger.error( "traceback:\n" + msg )
    except BaseException, e:
        logger.error( "exception in Python custom_hook!:\n%s" % e )
        raise e
sys.excepthook = custom_hook

class JavaUncaughtExceptHandler( java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ):
java.lang.Class to catch any Java Throwables thrown by the app.        
    def uncaughtException( self, thread, throwable ):
NB getting the Java stack trace like this seems to produce a very different trace 
from throwable.printStackTrace()... why?             
            # we want a single log message
            exception_msg = "\n*** uncaught Java Exception being logged in %s:\n" % __file__
            baos = java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream()
            ps = java.io.PrintStream(baos)
            throwable.printStackTrace( ps )
            # remove multiple lines from Java stack trace message
            java_stack_trace_lines = unicode( baos.toString( "ISO-8859-1" )).splitlines()
            java_stack_trace_lines = filter( None, java_stack_trace_lines  )
            normalised_java_stack_trace = '\n'.join( java_stack_trace_lines )
            exception_msg += normalised_java_stack_trace + '\n'
            python_traceback_string = traceback.format_exc()
            exception_msg += "Python traceback:\n%s" % python_traceback_string
            logger.error( exception_msg )
        except (BaseException, java.lang.Throwable ), e:
            logger.error( "*** exception in Java exception handler:\ntype %s\n%s" % ( type( e ), unicode( e ) ) )
            raise e
        # NB printStackTrace causes the custom_hook to be invoked... (but doesn't print anything)
java.lang.Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler( JavaUncaughtExceptHandler()  )

def vigil( *args ):
Decorator with two functions.  
1. to check that a method is being run in the EDT or a non-EDT thread; 
2. to catch any Java Throwables which otherwise would not be properly caught and documented: in particular, 
with normal Java error-trapping in Jython it seems impossible to determine the line number at which an 
Exception was thrown.  This at least records the line at which a Java java.lang.Throwable
was thrown.
    if len( args ) != 1:
        raise Exception( "vigil: wrong number of args (should be 1, value: None/True/False): %s" % str( args ))
    req_edt = args[ 0 ]
    if req_edt and type( req_edt ) is not bool:
        raise Exception( "vigil: edt_status is wrong type: %s, type %s" % ( req_edt, type( req_edt )) )
    def real_decorator( function ):
        if not hasattr( function, '__call__' ):
            raise Exception( "vigil: function %s does not have __call__ attr, type %s" 
                % ( function, type( function )) )

        # NB info about decorator location can't be got when wrapper called, so record it at this point
        penultimate_frame = traceback.extract_stack()[ -2 ] 
        decorator_file = penultimate_frame[ 0 ]    
        decorator_line_no = penultimate_frame[ 1 ]    
        def wrapper( *args, **kvargs ):
                # TODO is it possible to get the Python and/or Java stack trace at this point?
                if req_edt and javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() != req_edt:
                    logger.error( "*** vigil: wrong EDT value, should be %s\nfile %s, line no %s, function: %s\n" % 
        ( "EDT" if req_edt else "non-EDT", decorator_file, decorator_line_no, function ))
                return function( *args, **kvargs )
            except ( BaseException, java.lang.Throwable ), e:
                ''' NB All sorts of problems if a vigil-protected function throws an exception:
1) just raising e means you get a very short stack trace...
2) if you list the stack trace elements here you get a line (seemingly inside the function where the 
exception occurred) but often the wrong line!
3) Python/Java stack frames: how the hell does it all work???
4) want a single error message to be logged                
                msg = "*** exception %s caught by vigil in file %s\nin function starting line %d" % ( e, decorator_file, decorator_line_no )
                logger.error( msg )
                frame = inspect.currentframe()
                # the following doesn't seem to work... why not?
                python_stack_trace = traceback.format_stack(frame)
                python_stack_string = "Python stack trace:\n"
                for el in python_stack_trace[ : -1 ]:
                    python_stack_string += el
                logger.error( python_stack_string )
                if isinstance( e, java.lang.Throwable ):
                    # NB problems with this stack trace: although it appears to show the 
                    # correct Java calling pathway, it seems that the line number of every file and method 
                    # is always shown as being the last line, wherever the exception was actually raised.
                    # Possibly try and get hold of the actual Pyxxx objects ... (?)
                    java_stack_trace = e.stackTrace
                    java_stack_string = "Java stack trace:\n"
                    for el in java_stack_trace:
                        java_stack_string += "  %s\n" % unicode( el )
                    logger.error( java_stack_string )
                    raise e
        return wrapper
    return real_decorator

PS当然可以使用try ... except ...对每个被覆盖的Java方法进行顶部和尾部,但其中的乐趣在哪里?说真的,即使这样做我也无法找到引发异常的行...


2 回答 2


这是在 Jython 的 socket 模块中使用的装饰器示例,用于将 Java 异常映射到 Python 异常。我没有vigil仔细阅读你的装饰器,因为它做了很多工作,但我把它放在这里以防它可能有帮助:

def raises_java_exception(method_or_function):
    """Maps java socket exceptions to the equivalent python exception.
    Also sets _last_error on socket objects so as to support SO_ERROR.

    def handle_exception(*args, **kwargs):
        is_socket = len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], _realsocket)
                return method_or_function(*args, **kwargs)
            except java.lang.Exception, jlx:
                raise _map_exception(jlx)
        except error, e:
            if is_socket:
                args[0]._last_error = e[0]
            if is_socket:
                args[0]._last_error = 0
    return handle_exception

我们在这里看到的主要是我们正在调度它是否是 Java 异常 ( java.lang.Exception)。我想这可以概括为java.lang.Throwable,尽管目前还不清楚在任何情况下可以做什么java.lang.Error。当然没有任何对应的套接字错误!

上面的装饰器又使用该_map_exception函数来解包 Java 异常。如您所见,它在这里非常特定于应用程序:

def _map_exception(java_exception):
    if isinstance(java_exception, NettyChannelException):
        java_exception = java_exception.cause  # unwrap
    if isinstance(java_exception, SSLException) or isinstance(java_exception, CertificateException):
        cause = java_exception.cause
        if cause:
            msg = "%s (%s)" % (java_exception.message, cause)
            msg = java_exception.message
        py_exception = SSLError(SSL_ERROR_SSL, msg)
        mapped_exception = _exception_map.get(java_exception.__class__)
        if mapped_exception:
            py_exception = mapped_exception(java_exception)
            py_exception = error(-1, 'Unmapped exception: %s' % java_exception)
    py_exception.java_exception = java_exception
    return _add_exception_attrs(py_exception)


def gethostname():
    return str(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName())
于 2015-06-04T03:50:14.180 回答

吉姆贝克的回答很有趣......但我想要的是全面的,当引发任何类型的异常时,它会记录尽可能多的堆栈跟踪信息。CPython 不是多线程的,它的堆栈跟踪不必处理 Runnables。我不是一个 Jython/Python 专家,无法知道您是否总能在“纯 Python”代码中获得整个堆栈(即不使用 Java 类)。

但是我想要得到的东西之一是导致在 Jython 中运行 Runnable 的活动。以及导致 Runnable 运行 Runnable 等的活动,直接回到第一个线程。下面的解决方案从 Jim 的回答和 doublep 的评论中汲取灵感,创建了一个新的 Jython 类 TraceableRunnable,它将存储创建时的堆栈跟踪列表。

当引发 Java 或 Python 风格的异常时,这会将所有内容直接记录到运行的开始(如果您系统地使用 TraceableRunnable 而不是 Runnable)。

TraceableRunner 子类的每个 run() 代码也必须在某些时候执行此调用:



(注意,在真正“成熟”的实现中,您想检查是否已进行此调用...我确信这可以通过一些适当复杂的 Pythonic 技术来完成,但通过单元测试或其他方式失败。还有您可能需要在 run() 代码的最后调用以删除此字典条目...)


class TraceableRunnable( java.lang.Runnable ):
    thread_to_tr_dic = {}
    def __init__( self  ):
        # no need to call super's __init__: Runnable is a Java *interface*
        caller_thread = java.lang.Thread.currentThread()
        self.frame_stack_list = []
        if hasattr( caller_thread, 'frame_stack_list' ):
            self.frame_stack_list = copy.deepcopy( caller_thread.frame_stack_list )
        self.frame_stack_list.append( traceback.extract_stack() )

    def record_thread( self ):
        TraceableRunnable.thread_to_tr_dic[ java.lang.Thread.currentThread() ] = self

class EDTException( Exception ):

def vigil( *args ):
Decorator with two functions.  
1. to check that a method is being run in the EDT or a non-EDT thread 
2. to catch any exceptions
    if len( args ) != 1:
        raise Exception( "vigil: wrong number of args (should be 1, value: None/True/False): %s" % str( args ))
    req_edt = args[ 0 ]
    if req_edt and type( req_edt ) is not bool:
        raise Exception( "vigil: edt_status is wrong type: %s, type %s" % ( req_edt, type( req_edt )) )

    def process_exception( exc, python = True ):
        tb_obj = sys.exc_info()[ 2 ]
        msg = "Exception thrown message %s\nfamily %s, type: %s\n" % ( str( exc ), "Python" if python else "Java", type( exc ))
        msg += "traceback object part:\n"    
        ex_tb = traceback.extract_tb( tb_obj )
        # first is frame in vigil
        ex_tb = ex_tb[ 1 : ]
        if not ex_tb:
            msg += "  none\n"
            tb_strings = traceback.format_list( ex_tb )
            for tb_string in tb_strings:
                msg += tb_string

        curr_thread = java.lang.Thread.currentThread()
        if curr_thread in TraceableRunnable.thread_to_tr_dic:
            runnable = TraceableRunnable.thread_to_tr_dic[ curr_thread ]
            # duck-typing, obviously... although redundant test, as only TraceableRunnables should be in the dictionary...
            if hasattr( runnable, 'frame_stack_list' ):
                msg += "\nOLDER STACKS:\n" 
                for frame_stack in runnable.frame_stack_list:
                    msg += "\nframe stack id: %d\n" % id( frame_stack )
                    frame_stack = frame_stack[  : -1 ]
                    if not frame_stack:
                        msg += "  no frames\n"
                        # most recent call first: reverse array...
                        stack_strings = traceback.format_list( reversed( frame_stack ))
                        for stack_string in stack_strings:
                            msg += stack_string
        logger.error( msg )

    def real_decorator( function ):
        if not hasattr( function, '__call__' ):
            raise Exception( "vigil: function %s does not have __call__ attr, type %s" 
                % ( function, type( function )) )
        # NB info about decorator location can't be got when wrapper called, so record it at this point
        penultimate_frame = traceback.extract_stack()[ -2 ] 
        decorator_file = penultimate_frame[ 0 ]    
        decorator_line_no = penultimate_frame[ 1 ]    
        def wrapper( *args, **kvargs ):
                if req_edt is not None and javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() != req_edt:
                    msg = \
"vigil: wrong EDT value, should be %s\nfile %s\nline no %s, function: %s" % \
( "EDT" if req_edt else "non-EDT", decorator_file, decorator_line_no, function ) 
                    raise EDTException( msg )
                return function( *args, **kvargs )
            except BaseException, e:
                # we cannot know how calling code will want to deal with an EDTException 
                if type( e ) is EDTException:
                    raise e
                process_exception( e )
            except java.lang.Throwable, t:
                process_exception( t, False )
        return wrapper
    return real_decorator


于 2015-06-10T06:01:00.390 回答