create table mytable
( parent int not null,
cleft int null,
cright int null
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (1,2,3);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (2,6,7);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (3,4,5);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (4,8,9);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (5,10,11);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (6,null,null);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (7,null,null);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (8,13,null);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (9,12,null);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (10,null,null);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (12,null,null);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (13,null,17);
insert into mytable (parent,cleft,cright) values (17,null,null);
CREATE procedure GetChildCount (IN parentID INT)
declare ch int;
declare this_left int;
declare this_right int;
declare bContinue boolean;
declare count_needs_scan int;
create temporary table asdf999 (node_id int,processed int);
-- insert into asdf999 (node_id,processed) values (1,0);
-- update asdf999 set processed=1;
SET ch = parentID;
set bContinue=true;
while bContinue DO
-- at this point you are sitting at a ch (anywhere in hierarchy)
-- as you are looping and getting/using children
-- save non-null children references: -----------------------------
select cleft into this_left from mytable where parent=ch;
if !isnull(this_left) then
insert asdf999 (node_id,processed) select this_left,0;
end if;
select cright into this_right from mytable where parent=ch;
if !isnull(this_right) then
insert asdf999 (node_id,processed) select this_right,0;
end if;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
select count(*) into count_needs_scan from asdf999 where processed=0;
if count_needs_scan=0 then
set bContinue=false;
select node_id into ch from asdf999 where processed=0 limit 1;
update asdf999 set processed=1 where node_id=ch;
-- well, it is about to be processed
end if;
select count(*) as the_count from asdf999;
drop table asdf999;
END $$
call GetChildCount(2); -- answer is 2
call GetChildCount(4); -- answer is 5
我可以提供一个创建动态命名表(或临时表)的版本,如果需要,可以在最后破坏它。过程中的“动态 sql / 准备语句”。这样用户就不会因为共享使用 asdf999 工作台而互相踩踏。所以这还没有准备好生产。但以上内容让您对这个概念有所了解