#declare variables
NewWord =""
NewLetter = ""
SecretMessage = 0
mode = input("Please enter a mode: ").lower() #makes it lowercase
message = input("Please enter a message: ").lower() # lowercase to tackle capitals
while True:
offset = int(input("Please enter a number: ")) #If no exception occurs, the except clause is skipped and execution of the try statement is finished.
except ValueError: #If exception occurs, the except clause continues printing not a valid number and letting you re-enter the offset and not just throwing up an error.
print ("Not a valid number")
#print(mode, message, offset) #Test to check user Input
for letter in message :
SecretMessage = ord(letter)
if mode == "Encrypt" :
SecretMessage += offset # add the offset to the letter
if mode == "Decrypt" :
SecretMessage -= offset # subtract the offset to the letter
if SecretMessage < 97:
SecretMessage += 26
if SecretMessage > 122:
SecretMessage -= 26
NewLetter = SecretMessage
NewLetter = chr(NewLetter)
# print(newLetter)# check conversion
NewWord += NewLetter