Looking for opinions on this, we're working on a project that is essentially a data entry system for a production line. Heavy data input by users who normally work in Excel or other thick client data systems.

We've been told (as a consequence) that we have to develop this as a thick client using .NET. Our argument was to develop as a web app, as it resolves a lot of issues and would be easier to write and maintain.

Their argument against the web is that (supposedly) the web is not ready yet for a heavy duty data entry system, and that the web in a browser does not offer the speed, responsiveness, and fluid experience for the end-user that a thick client can (citing things such as drag and drop, rapid auto-entry and data navigation, etc.)

Personally, I think that with good form design and JQuery/AJAX, a web app could do everything a thick client does just as well, and they just don't know what they're talking about.

The irony is that a thick client has to go to a lot more effort to manage the deployment and connectivity back to the central data server than a web app would need to do, so in terms of speed I would expect a web app to be faster.

What are the thoughts of those out there? Are there any technologies currently in production use that modern data entry systems are being developed as web apps in?

Appreciate any feedback.


3 回答 3


我认为通过良好的表单设计和 JQuery/AJAX,Web 应用程序可以完成胖客户端所做的所有事情


正常使用 Excel 的用户输入的大量数据

我担心的是在您的 Web 应用程序中重新开发最终用户已经习惯的功能(例如,在 Excel 中已经实现的功能)。




不,因为您可以编写胖客户端与服务器的通信,就像 Web 应用程序一样多或少。

于 2010-06-16T09:01:54.630 回答

我必须建立一个基于网络的养老金补救系统,让养老基金在短时间内支付 3000 万。它是极其密集的数据实体/数据查询,涉及大量记录,并浏览过去几十年的历史数据。

最终用户对最终的应用程序非常满意,公司认为这是他们执行过的最好的项目。我认为秘诀是举办一个良好的 JAD 会话并构建用户真正需要的 UI。有时管理层是设计应用程序的错误起点,您需要从实际工作的职员开始。将这一点灌输到管理层的头脑中是一项壮举,但一旦你能说服他们他们所需要的只是专注于报告,而不是数据输入,你就赢得了大部分战斗。


当然,我们只需要确保我们真正了解最终用户真正想要的 UI 以及整个系统。

于 2010-06-16T14:07:37.517 回答

如果他们习惯于 Excel 和繁重的数据输入,他们可能习惯于使用快捷键和选项卡,这很容易添加到 WinForms 应用程序中,但我认为在 Web 应用程序中做到这一点并不容易。我想不出我见过的任何可以通过键盘轻松使用的 web 应用程序。从桌面应用程序控制整个体验也更容易。

我想说这取决于您是否想让用户或管理员满意。管理员可能更喜欢 Web 应用程序,它可能会使安装、升级和维护更容易,但用户可能更喜欢(编写良好的)桌面应用程序,它可以为他们提供他们习惯的丰富用户界面。

于 2010-06-16T09:19:28.687 回答