对于以下标题,我在所有站点地图上都遇到了相同的两个错误。这很令人困惑,因为如果 Google 无法读取我的站点地图,那么他们怎么能说每个 URL 具有相同的优先级?在 XML 声明之后,标头算作第 2 行。谷歌声称只索引了地图中大约 2% 的 URL。请帮忙。
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"
==Parsing error
We were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are
unable to recognize. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting.
All the URLs in your Sitemap have the same priority...
更新:请耐心等待,第一次验证 XML。我不明白错误。
Errors in the XML document:
4: 80 SchemaLocation: schemaLocation value = 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd' must have even number of URI's.
4: 80 cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'urlset'.
XML document:
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"
3 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
4 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd">
5 <url>
6 <loc>http://nutrograph.com/1-butter-salted</loc>
7 <changefreq>monthly</changefreq>
8 <priority>0.8</priority>
9 </url>
10 <url>
11 <loc>http://nutrograph.com/2-butter-whipped-with-salt</loc>
12 <changefreq>monthly</changefreq>
13 <priority>0.8</priority>
14 </url>
15 </urlset>