I have multiple form input and text fields on which I want a popover to display when the field is in focus. Since the content of some of the popovers can be lengthy I don't want to declare the content inside the input tag. Instead I have the following:

<div class="form-group">
    <label for="name">Name</label>

    <input type="text" class="form-control js-tooltip-trigger" id="name" maxlength="50" >  

    <div class="js-tooltip" style="display: none;">
        <p><strong>Your name.</strong></p>
        <p>Enter your full name. This will be used ...</p>

<div class="form-group">
    <label for="ref">Reference</label>

    <input type="text" class="form-control js-tooltip-trigger" id="ref" maxlength="50" >  

    <div class="js-tooltip" style="display: none;">
        <p><strong>Your reference is optional.</strong></p>
        <p>Enter a code of your choice for reference purposes.</p>

I have the following javascript

$(function () {
       html: true,
       trigger: 'focus',
       content: function () {
           return $(correct tool tip).html();

How can I get the correct popover to display or returned in the above javascript. What if I add a data attribute to the tool-tip content to link it to each input field e.g <div class="js-tooltip" style="display:none;" data-tooltip="name"> and then use some jquery to find and return it. How would you do this with jquery? Does anyone have a more elegant solution?

Also how do I get the popover to remain with the input field and auto position upon window resize. Currently it floats away when I resize the window.

Manage to figure it out myself using the above html:

$(function () {
       html: true,
       trigger: 'focus',
       content: function (e) {
           return $(this).parent(".form-group").find(".js-tooltip").html();

Can anyone think of a more elegant solution?


2 回答 2





    // Enabling Popover Example 1 - HTML (content and title from html tags of element)

    // Enabling Popover Example 2 - JS (hidden content and title capturing)
        html : true, 
        content: function() {
          return $('.js-tooltip').html();
        title: function() {
          return $('.js-tooltip').html();



<div class="form-group">
    <label for="name">Name</label>

    <input type="text" class="form-control js-popover-trigger" id="name" maxlength="50" data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-content="Your name" >  

    <div class="js-tooltip" style="display: none;" id="n1">
        <p><strong>Your name.</strong></p>
        <p>Enter your full name. This will be used ...</p>

<div class="form-group">
    <label for="ref">Reference</label>

    <input type="text" class="form-control js-popover-trigger" id="ref" maxlength="50" data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-content="Your reference is optional">  

    <div class="js-tooltip" style="display: none;" id="t2">
        <p><strong>Your reference is optional.</strong></p>
        <p>Enter a code of your choice for reference purposes.</p>
于 2015-05-28T11:27:27.830 回答

我不喜欢它是如何工作的,但基本上你必须创建一个元素,保持在你想要 popover 的位置,并将 popover 附加到它上面。在这种情况下,我使用了您已经为工具提示 html 准备的容器。我正在动态创建容器 ID,因此您不必担心在 html 中执行此操作。

所以对于这个 HTML:

<div class="form-group pos-relative">
    <label for="ref">Reference</label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control js-tooltip-trigger" id="ref" maxlength="50">
    <span class="js-tooltip" style="display: none;">
        <p><strong>Your reference is optional.</strong></p>
        <p>Enter a code of your choice for reference purposes.</p>



而这个 JS——这就是它发生的地方:

$(function () {

  $('.js-tooltip-trigger').each(function(ind, ele){

    var $ele = $(ele),
        $ttSpan = $ele.next('.js-tooltip'),
        ttHtml = $ttSpan.html(),
        rndID = 'ttid'+ String(Math.random()).substr(2);

    // set the ID, strip the style, and empty the html--
    // we already have it stored in the var above
    $ttSpan.attr('id', rndID).removeAttr('style').html('');

    // make the popovers
        html: true,
        trigger: 'focus',
        placement: 'right',
        container: '#'+rndID, 
        content: ttHtml




于 2015-05-28T16:09:23.527 回答