我正在尝试实现一个状态机,它可以使用 Boost Statechart Library 处理 IVR 内的调用流,但我在 C++ 上非常绿色,需要一些基础知识。
假设我的呼叫流程如下所示:(关注前 2 个状态 USR_checkSubscription 和 USR_checkBalance)
我的问题很简单,但我只能找到如何让它发挥作用!我知道初始状态将是USR_checkSubscription,但是当我进入该状态时,我如何根据我在那里制作的东西去其他状态,假设我想去状态“USR_checkBalance”如果我有一个带有 value= 的变量1.
这是我的 SM_callModel.cpp
#include "SM_callModel.h"
using namespace std;
namespace sc = boost::statechart;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
// States definition
struct USR_checkSubscription;
struct USR_checkBalance;
struct MNU_welcomeSubscribed;
struct MNU_mainMenu;
struct MNU_selectLeague;
struct MNU_menu1Content;
struct USR_selectSubscription;
struct USR_waitingForNumber;
struct USR_wrongNumber;
struct USR_confirmSubscription;
struct USR_chargeUser;
struct USR_inssuficientBalance;
struct USR_selectTopUp;
struct USR_endCall;
// Events definition
struct EvSubscribed : sc::event< EvSubscribed> {};
struct EvNotSubscribed : sc::event< EvNotSubscribed > {};
struct EvPressNumberNotSubscribed : sc::event< EvPressNumberNotSubscribed > {};
struct EvBalance : sc::event< EvBalance > {};
struct EvNoBalance : sc::event< EvNoBalance > {};
struct EvPressNumber : sc::event< EvPressNumber > {};
struct EvGoToConfirmSubscription : sc::event< EvGoToConfirmSubscription > {};
struct EvGoToChargeUser : sc::event< EvGoToChargeUser > {};
struct EvNotCharged : sc::event< EvNotCharged > {};
struct EvGoToMainMenu : sc::event< EvGoToMainMenu > {};
struct EvMenu1 : sc::event< EvMenu1 > {};
struct EvGoToMenu1Content : sc::event< EvGoToMenu1Content > {};
struct EvWrongNumber : sc::event< EvWrongNumber > {};
struct EvNoTime : sc::event< EvNoTime > {};
struct EvReturn : sc::event< EvReturn > {};
struct EvEndCall : sc::event< EvEndCall > {};
struct VoiceSM : sc::state_machine< VoiceSM, USR_checkSubscription > {};// The initialization state
VoiceSM VSM;
/* Check user subscription status */
struct USR_checkSubscription : sc::simple_state< USR_checkSubscription, VoiceSM>
USR_checkSubscription() {
// Check if user is subscribed via WebService (lets say it returns as subscribed = 1)
int subscribed = 1;
cout << "User is subscribed 1/0 n" << endl;
~USR_checkSubscription() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvSubscribed, USR_checkBalance >, // if is subscribed then go to USR_checkBalance
sc::transition< EvNotSubscribed, USR_selectSubscription > > reactions; // if is not subscribed go to USR_selectSubscription
/* Check user current balance */
struct USR_checkBalance : sc::simple_state< USR_checkBalance, VoiceSM>
USR_checkBalance() {
// Check balance with web service
cout << "User has balance Y/N? n" << endl;
~USR_checkBalance() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvBalance, MNU_welcomeSubscribed >,
sc::transition< EvNoBalance, USR_selectTopUp > > reactions;
/* User press 1 to get 15 minutes to his account */
struct USR_selectTopUp : sc::simple_state< USR_selectTopUp, VoiceSM>
USR_selectTopUp() {
// Check balance with web service
cout << "User selected 15 minutes n" << endl;
~USR_selectTopUp() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvGoToChargeUser, USR_chargeUser >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* Play welcome audio for subscribed users */
struct MNU_welcomeSubscribed : sc::simple_state< MNU_welcomeSubscribed, VoiceSM>
MNU_welcomeSubscribed() {
// Check balance with web service
cout << "Welcome user xxxxxx n" << endl;
~MNU_welcomeSubscribed() {}
typedef sc::transition< EvGoToMainMenu, MNU_mainMenu > reactions;
/* Play audio when user didn't digit anything */
struct USR_waitingForNumber : sc::simple_state< USR_waitingForNumber, VoiceSM>
USR_waitingForNumber() {
// Check balance with web service
cout << "User didn't press any digit, its being redirected n" << endl;
~USR_waitingForNumber() {}
typedef sc::transition< EvGoToMainMenu, MNU_mainMenu > reactions;
/* Play audio when user inputs a wrong number */
struct USR_wrongNumber : sc::simple_state< USR_wrongNumber, VoiceSM>
USR_wrongNumber() {
// Counter ++
// Get previous activity and then go back???
cout << "User pressed the wrong number, try again n" << endl;
~USR_wrongNumber() {}
typedef sc::transition< EvGoToMainMenu, MNU_mainMenu > reactions;
/* Check user current balance */
struct USR_selectSubscription : sc::simple_state< USR_selectSubscription, VoiceSM>
USR_selectSubscription() {
// Select 1 or 2 for type of subscription
cout << "User selected 1 or 2 n" << endl;
~USR_selectSubscription() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvGoToConfirmSubscription, USR_confirmSubscription >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* Confirm user subscription */
struct USR_confirmSubscription : sc::simple_state< USR_confirmSubscription, VoiceSM>
USR_confirmSubscription() {
// Select 1 or 2 for type of subscription
cout << "Press 1 or 2 to select n" << endl;
~USR_confirmSubscription() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvGoToChargeUser, USR_chargeUser >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* Charge the user */
struct USR_chargeUser : sc::simple_state< USR_chargeUser, VoiceSM>
USR_chargeUser() {
// Connect to web service to charge user depending on type of subscription
cout << "Press 1 or 2 to select n" << endl;
~USR_chargeUser() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvGoToMainMenu, MNU_mainMenu >,
sc::transition< EvNotCharged, USR_inssuficientBalance >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* User has no balance, end the call */
struct USR_inssuficientBalance : sc::simple_state< USR_inssuficientBalance, VoiceSM>
USR_inssuficientBalance() {
// Play audio of inssuficient balance and end call
cout << "User doesn't have enough balance, end call. n" << endl;
~USR_inssuficientBalance() {}
typedef sc::transition< EvEndCall, USR_endCall > reactions;
/* Play audio with main menu and wait for user input */
struct MNU_mainMenu : sc::simple_state< MNU_mainMenu, VoiceSM>
MNU_mainMenu() {
cout << "Press 1 - 8 from the menu n" << endl;
~MNU_mainMenu() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvMenu1, MNU_selectLeague >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* Select League (Liga Americana/Nacional) wait for 1 or 2 digits */
struct MNU_selectLeague : sc::simple_state< MNU_selectLeague, VoiceSM>
MNU_selectLeague() {
cout << "Select a league n" << endl;
~MNU_selectLeague() {}
typedef mpl::list<
sc::transition< EvGoToMenu1Content, MNU_menu1Content >,
sc::transition< EvNoTime, USR_waitingForNumber >,
sc::transition< EvWrongNumber, USR_wrongNumber > > reactions;
/* Menu 1 Content */
struct MNU_menu1Content : sc::simple_state< MNU_menu1Content, VoiceSM>
MNU_menu1Content() {
cout << "Content for menu 1 n" << endl;
~MNU_menu1Content() {}
typedef sc::transition< EvGoToMenu1Content, MNU_menu1Content > reactions;
int main()
return 0;