我编写了自己的代码来解析 .obj 模型文件——本质上只是 ASCII 文本。根据我的测试,该文件被正确解析并存储在类中。我可以在加载函数中很好地读回值(来自数据成员)。
当我尝试读回主渲染循环中的值时,就会出现问题。以“int v”开头的行存在访问冲突错误:
for(int i = 0; i<data.numFaces; i++){
for(int j = 0; j<3; j++){ //Assuming triangles for now.
int v = data.faceList[i].vertex[j]; // Access violation here.
double vX = data.vertexList[v].x;
double vY = data.vertexList[v].y;
double vZ = data.vertexList[v].z;
glVertex3d(vX, vY, vZ);
我不确定为什么会发生这种情况,并且我已经检查了我可能想到的所有内容。我在 C++ 方面不是很有经验。我的大部分编程经验是 Java、Python 和 PHP,尽管我之前用 C++ 编写过一个中型项目。
以下是 obj 加载类中的相关代码部分:
ObjData ObjLoader::LoadObj(std::string filename){
//... Initalization ...
// 1st pass: find number of elements so array sizes can be defined.
//...close file...
_data.faceList = new ObjFace[_data.numFaces];
_data.vertexList = new ObjVert[_data.numVertices];
_data.uvList = new ObjUV[_data.numUVcoords];
_data.normalList = new ObjNormal[_data.numNormals];
//TODO: Make size dynamic according to each face. Just use the first 3 points for now.
for (int i = 0; i < _data.numFaces; i++){
_data.faceList[i].vertex = new int[3];
_data.faceList[i].normal = new int[3];
_data.faceList[i].uv = new int[3];
//... file stuff ...
// 2nd pass: read values into arrays.
_data.vertexList[currentVertex].x = atof(param1.c_str());
_data.vertexList[currentVertex].y = atof(param2.c_str());
_data.vertexList[currentVertex].z = atof(param3.c_str());
}else if(type=="vt"){
_data.uvList[currentUV].u = atof(param1.c_str());
_data.uvList[currentUV].v = atof(param2.c_str());
}else if(type=="vn"){
_data.normalList[currentNormal].x = atof(param1.c_str());
_data.normalList[currentNormal].y = atof(param2.c_str());
_data.normalList[currentNormal].z = atof(param3.c_str());
}else if(type=="f"){
//...Within loop over each vertex in a single face ...
if(endPos != string::npos){
// Value before 1st "/" (Vertex index).
// ...find value in string...
_data.faceList[currentFace].vertex[i] = atoi(token.c_str()) -1; // File format begins indices from 1.
// Value between slashes (UV index).
// ...find value in string...
_data.faceList[currentFace].uv[i] = atoi(token.c_str()) -1;
// Value after 2nd "/" (Normal index).
// ...find value in string...
_data.faceList[currentFace].normal[i] = atoi(token.c_str()) -1;
//...End of loop over every vertex in a single face...
return _data;
结构 ObjFace、ObjVert、ObjUV 和 ObjNormal 定义为:
struct ObjVert{
float x, y, z;
struct ObjUV{
float u, v;
struct ObjNormal{
float x, y, z;
// Contains indexes.
struct ObjFace{
int* vertex;
int* uv;
int* normal;