I am reading the docs about service fabric and was also interested to review how to setup a cluster with multiple VM's, but so far I can only guess based on the devclustersetup.ps1 / it's xml file, but I didn't see any docs on it which explains the various configurations and/or API's. What I would need is how to set up a simple cluster, how to add/remove nodes, monitoring, setting up resource constraints per node etc so I can setup a sample cluster and test few things.

So far I've done these:

  • installed VC runtime ( as web pi installer fails without it )
  • installed service fabric and the SDK ( got the installer out of the web pi installers )
  • tried to change the sample xml, adding multiple hosts, but then with that I ran into the IPv6 only issue in my setup ( see my other question ), so it didnt work out



2 回答 2


我们正在为 Service Fabric 提供 NanoServer 支持。(我无法回复有关它的评论,因为我显然没有足够的分数)。

于 2015-05-28T14:37:19.857 回答


今年晚些时候将在 Azure 中提供该服务的公开预览版,该平台将作为 Windows Server 2016 的一部分提供,用于本地部署。随着这些选项的出现,将会有大量的指导说明如何设置和管理集群。


现在可以在Windows Server 2012 R2 及更高版本的公共预览版中使用本地或其他云中的独立安装。

于 2015-05-27T07:03:31.543 回答