BaseExample 类(我不允许在此示例中使变量受保护):
public class BaseExample {
private int a;
public BaseExample(int inVal) {
a = inVal;
public BaseExample(BaseExample other){
a = other.a;
public String toString(){
return String.valueOf(a);
public class DerivedExample extends BaseExample {
private int b;
public DerivedExample(int inVal1, int inVal2){
a = inVal2;
**Returns a reference to a string containing the value stored in the inherited varible a followed by a colon followed by the value stored in b public String toString()**
public String toString(){
int base = new BaseExample(b);
return String.valueOf(base:this.b);
如果我放了两个返回,它会给我一个无法访问代码的错误。如果我在 valueOf 里面放了一个 super ,它就不起作用了。这也行不通。这是如何执行的?