我最近收到了一个用于蓝牙转串口的 BLE 设备。它使用 TruConnect,我正试图让它与我的串行设备通信。串行设备通过串行电缆接收通信,并回显发送给它的任何内容以及发送的命令的任何结果。
现在,我只是尝试向 BLE 设备发送 TruConnect 命令,以检查 BLE 设备设置的当前波特率。
我根据我发现的这个 TruConnect 指南编写了一些代码: https ://truconnect.ack.me/1.5/apps/communicating_via_ble#reading_from_a_truconnect_device_serial_interface 。
问题似乎是,每当我尝试从 tx 特征中读取任何应该有数据的东西时,数据都不正确。
设置 CBPeripheral 事件:
private void setupPerif(CBPeripheral perf)
selectedPeripheral = perf;
selectedPeripheral.UpdatedCharacterteristicValue += (sender, e) =>
var c = e.Characteristic;
if (c != null)
var uuid = c.UUID.ToString(true).ToLower();
if (uuid == UUID_RX)
else if (uuid == UUID_TX)
// expecting bytes to contain valid response data
// it almost always contains twenty 0s.
byte[] bytes = c.Value.Where(i => i != 13).ToArray();
var invalidBytes = c.Value.Where(i => i > 127).ToArray();
var nonZeros = c.Value.Where(i => i != 0).ToArray();
if (nonZeros.Length < 1)
foreach (byte b in bytes)
else if (uuid == UUID_MODE)
selectedPeripheral.DiscoveredService += (sender, e) =>
var services = selectedPeripheral.Services;
if (services != null)
foreach (CBService service in services)
if (service.UUID.ToString(true).ToLower() == UUID_TRUCONNECT)
truConnect = service;
selectedPeripheral.DiscoveredCharacteristic += (sender, e) =>
if (truConnect != null && truConnect.Characteristics != null)
foreach (CBCharacteristic c in truConnect.Characteristics)
var uuidString = c.UUID.ToString(true).ToLower();
if (uuidString == UUID_RX)
rx = c;
else if (uuidString == UUID_TX)
tx = c;
else if (uuidString == UUID_MODE)
mode = c;
// set to stream mode
selectedPeripheral.WriteValue(NSData.FromArray(new byte[] { MODE_COMMAND }), mode, CBCharacteristicWriteType.WithResponse);
selectedPeripheral.WroteCharacteristicValue += (sender, e) =>
// if UUID is for RX, we just wrote to RX. Drill down to
// TX characteristic and read it. This will trigger
// the UpdatedCharacteristicValue event.
string uuid = e.Characteristic.UUID.ToString(true).ToLower();
if (uuid == UUID_RX)
var services = selectedPeripheral.Services;
if (services != null)
foreach (CBService s in services)
if (s.UUID.ToString(true).ToLower() == UUID_TRUCONNECT)
var charachteristics = s.Characteristics;
if (charachteristics != null && charachteristics.Length > 0)
foreach (CBCharacteristic c in charachteristics)
if (c.UUID.ToString(true).ToLower() == UUID_TX)
Timer t = new Timer(new TimerCallback(delegate(object o)
}), null, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1));
写入 rx。这应该用于实际发送命令。
public void sendCommand(string command)
command += endString + "\n";
if (rx != null)
NSData d = NSData.FromString(command);
foreach (CBService s in selectedPeripheral.Services)
if (s.UUID.ToString(true).ToLower() == UUID_TRUCONNECT)
foreach (CBCharacteristic c in s.Characteristics)
if (c.UUID.ToString(true).ToLower() == UUID_RX)
selectedPeripheral.WriteValue(NSData.FromString(command), c, CBCharacteristicWriteType.WithResponse);