I've been writing something similar to a Stream. I am able to prove each functor law but I can not figure out a way to prove that it's total:
module Stream
import Classes.Verified
%default total
codata MyStream a = MkStream a (MyStream a)
mapStream : (a -> b) -> MyStream a -> MyStream b
mapStream f (MkStream a s) = MkStream (f a) (mapStream f s)
streamFunctorComposition : (s : MyStream a) -> (f : a -> b) -> (g : b -> c) -> mapStream (\x => g (f x)) s = mapStream g (mapStream f s)
streamFunctorComposition (MkStream x y) f g =
let inductiveHypothesis = streamFunctorComposition y f g
in ?streamFunctorCompositionStepCase
---------- Proofs ----------
streamFunctorCompositionStepCase = proof
rewrite inductiveHypothesis
*Stream> :total streamFunctorComposition
Stream.streamFunctorComposition is possibly not total due to recursive path:
Stream.streamFunctorComposition, Stream.streamFunctorComposition
Is there a trick to proving the functor laws over codata which also passes the totality checker?