tl;dr -- What does the below quoted paragraph mean?

Be suspicious of classes of which there is only one instance. A single instance might indicate that the design confuses objects with classes. Consider whether you could just create an object instead of a new class. Can the variation of the derived class be represented in data rather than as a distinct class? The Singleton pattern is one notable exception to this guideline.

McConnell, Steve (2004-06-09). Code Complete (2nd Edition)

Extended version:

I'm currently reading Code Complete, and I'm having trouble understanding the above mentioned paragraph. For context, it's from Chapter 6 under guidelines for inheritance. At first I thought this was advice against using Singletons, but I was obviously proven wrong by the time I got to the end of the paragraph.

I simply can't grasp what the author is trying to get through my thick skull. For example, I don't know what he means by design confusing objects with classes, nor what that means in the context of having a class with only one instance. Help!


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struct Player1Name
    string data;

在那里,我们可以只使用string player1_name;(甚至是多个玩家的聚合)而不创建全新的类型,因此尝试使用类来模拟新对象(现有类型的新实例)已经可以做的事情会造成混淆。



类通常用于建模与其实例(对象)的一对多关系。它们应该至少在该类的单个实例之外更普遍适用。粗略地说,一个类应该建模 a Dog,而不是你邻居的特定宠物狗,Spark。它应该建模 a ,而不是4.2 米乘 8.7 米Rectangle的精确值。Rectangle42x87如果您正在设计一次实例化的东西,那么您可能将它们设计得过于狭隘,并且可能有现有的东西可供您使用。



于 2015-05-24T23:24:54.143 回答