我使用 knitr 整理了一份文档,虽然大部分文档看起来都不错,但有一个回归表太宽,无法在没有任何改动的情况下放在页面上。
回归表是使用 stargazer 生成的,并且非常宽。
{r, echo=FALSE, resize.width=10, results='asis'}
stargazer( table...)
You can use a .css file to resize the output.
in the YAML add :
css: custom.css
and in a custom.css file you can put :
table {
width: 100%;
it's often easier to place the custom.css in the same folder, and note that your final output will still be self-contained.
您可以操纵 stargazer 的选项来调整 stargazer 表的大小。对于 R markdown 的 PDF 输出,请尝试以下操作:
stargazer(model_1, model_2, model_3, model_4, model_5,
type = 'latex',
header=FALSE, # to get rid of r package output text
single.row = TRUE, # to put coefficients and standard errors on same line
no.space = TRUE, # to remove the spaces after each line of coefficients
column.sep.width = "3pt", # to reduce column width
font.size = "small" # to make font size smaller