我正在开发一个房地产网络目录,并希望使用 geokit gem 对每个广告进行地理编码。我的问题是,如果我想按国家、所选国家的城市、行政区域或所选城市最近的地铁站进行搜索,那么从性能点来看,最好的数据库布局是什么。可用的国家、城市、行政区域和地铁站应由目录管理员定义,并且必须通过地理编码进行验证。
create_table "geo_locations", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "geo_location_id" #parent geo location (ex. country is parent geo location of city
t.string "country", :null => false #necessary for any geo location
t.string "city", #not null for city geo location and it's children
t.string "administrative_area" #not null for administrative_area geo location and it's children
t.string "thoroughfare_name" #not null for metro station or street name geo location and it's children
t.string "premise_number" #house number
t.float "lng", :null => false
t.float "lat", :null => false
t.float "bound_sw_lat", :null => false
t.float "bound_sw_lng", :null => false
t.float "bound_ne_lat", :null => false
t.float "bound_ne_lng", :null => false
t.integer "mappable_id"
t.string "mappable_type"
t.string "type" #country, city, administrative area, metro station or address