函数。我假设您可以使用 中的分类函数(宏)<ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char *strword(char *haystack, char *needle);
char *strword(char *haystack, char *needle)
char *pos = haystack;
char old_ch = ' ';
while (*pos != '\0')
if (!isalpha(old_ch) && *pos == *needle)
char *txt = pos + 1;
char *str = needle + 1;
while (*txt == *str)
if (*str == '\0')
return pos; // Exact match at end of haystack
txt++, str++;
if (*str == '\0' && !isalpha(*txt))
return pos;
old_ch = *pos++;
return 0;
int main(void)
** Note that 'the' appears in the haystack as a prefix to a word,
** wholly contained in a word, and at the end of a word - and is not
** counted in any of those places. And punctuation is OK.
char haystack[] =
"the way to blithely count the occurrences (tithe)"
" of 'the' in their line is the";
char needle[] = "the";
char *curpos = haystack;
char *word;
int count = 0;
while ((word = strword(curpos, needle)) != 0)
printf("Found <%s> at [%.20s]\n", needle, word);
curpos = word + 1;
printf("Found %d occurrences of <%s> in [%s]\n", count, needle, haystack);
assert(strword("the", "the") != 0);
assert(strword("th", "the") == 0);
assert(strword("t", "t") != 0);
assert(strword("", "t") == 0);
assert(strword("if t fi", "t") != 0);
assert(strword("if t fi", "") == 0);
return 0;
Found <the> at [the way to blithely ]
Found <the> at [the occurrences (tit]
Found <the> at [the' in their line i]
Found <the> at [the]
Found 4 occurrences of <the> in [the way to blithely count the occurrences (tithe) of 'the' in their line is the]
,因此您可以做出一些假设(您不在使用 EBCDIC 的系统上),以便拉丁字母是连续的,您可以使用它is_alpha()
来代替- 并从包含的列表中isalpha()
static inline int is_alpha(int c)
return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');