ampqlib github 页面有一些关于如何使用库的示例,使用回调或承诺。
可能也值得检查他们的教程示例,这些示例遵循官方RabbitMQ 教程。
var amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');
var q = 'tasks';
// connects to rabbitmq
amqp.connect('amqp://localhost', function(err, conn) {
// this function will be called when the connection is created
// `err` will contain the error object, if any errors occurred
// `conn` will contain the connection object
if (err != null) bail(err); // calls `bail` function if an error occurred when connecting
consumer(conn); // creates a consumer
publisher(conn); // creates a publisher
function bail(err) {
// Publisher
function publisher(conn) {
conn.createChannel(on_open); // creates a channel and call `on_open` when done
function on_open(err, ch) {
// this function will be called when the channel is created
// `err` will contain the error object, if any errors occurred
// `ch` will contain the channel object
if (err != null) bail(err); // calls `bail` function if an error occurred when creating the channel
ch.assertQueue(q); // asserts the queue exists
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer('something to do')); // sends a message to the queue
// Consumer
function consumer(conn) {
var ok = conn.createChannel(on_open); // creates a channel and call `on_open` when done
function on_open(err, ch) {
// this function will be called when the channel is created
// `err` will contain the error object, if any errors occurred
// `ch` will contain the channel object
if (err != null) bail(err); // calls `bail` function if an error occurred when creating the channel
ch.assertQueue(q); // asserts the queue exists
ch.consume(q, function(msg) { //consumes the queue
if (msg !== null) {
console.log(msg.content.toString()); // writes the received message to the console
ch.ack(msg); // acknowledge that the message was received