有没有一种简单的方法可以从 MATLAB 中的字符串创建首字母缩写词?例如:
'Superior Temporal Gyrus' => 'STG'
str = 'Superior Temporal Gyrus'; %# Sample string
abbr = str(regexp(str,'[A-Z]')); %# Get all capital letters
abbr = str((str == upper(str)) & ~isspace(str)); %# Compare str to its uppercase
%# version and keep elements
%# that match, ignoring
%# whitespace
...或者您可以改为使用大写字母的ASCII/UNICODE 值:
abbr = str((str <= 90) & (str >= 65)); %# Get capital letters A (65) to Z (90)
abbr = str(regexp(str,'\w+')); %# Get the starting letter of each word
str = strtrim(str); %# Trim leading and trailing whitespace first
abbr = str([1 find(isspace(str))+1]); %# Get the first element of str and every
%# element following whitespace
str = strtrim(str); %# Still have to trim whitespace
abbr = str([true isspace(str)]);
abbr = str(regexp(str,'\<[A-Z]\w*'));
s1(regexp(s1, '[A-Z]', 'start'))