我刚刚完成阅读和测试 nativescript helloworld app,我不明白如何通过单击删除项目。我理解它就像我需要在单击后获取数组索引以在其上制作 .splice 一样,但是在 args 中我现在有这样的数据?请解释我如何做到这一点。谢谢!


var observableModule = require("data/observable");
var observableArray = require("data/observable-array");
var viewModule = require("ui/core/view");

var tasks = new observableArray.ObservableArray([]);
var pageData = new observableModule.Observable();
var page;

exports.onPageLoaded = function(args) {
    page = args.object;
    pageData.set("task", "");
    pageData.set("tasks", tasks);
    page.bindingContext = pageData;

exports.add = function() {
    tasks.push({ name: pageData.get("task") });
    pageData.set("task", "");
    viewModule.getViewById( page, "task" ).dismissSoftInput();

exports.del_first = function() {
    viewModule.getViewById( page, "task" ).dismissSoftInput();

exports.remove = function(args) {


<Page loaded="onPageLoaded">
    <GridLayout rows="auto, *">
        <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="0">
            <TextField width="200" text="{{ task }}" hint="Enter a task" id="task" />
            <Button text="Add" tap="add"></Button>          
            <Button text="Delete 1st" tap="del_first"></Button>

        <ListView items="{{ tasks }}" row="1">
                <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="0">
                    <Label text="{{ name }}" />
                    <Button text="x" tap="remove"></Button> 

1 回答 1


问题是按钮不知道要删除哪个任务。除了你传递的值,它没有传递任何值,即 text="x" 和 tap="remove"。

因此,诀窍是将您自己的附加值分配给包含任务的 id/index 的按钮,以便您可以将其匹配回任务。您可以为按钮属性值和对象键使用任何未分配的名称(我选择使用index ="{{ index }}"。因此deleteId ="{{ id }}" 将同样有效。



var observableModule = require("data/observable");
var observableArray = require("data/observable-array");
var viewModule = require("ui/core/view");

// Pretend we loaded some records, notice the new "index" field?
//  This is what name we use in the xml, so it is: "{{ index }}"
//  Again this name can be anything you want; id, index, guid, uuid, etc...
var _tasks = [{name: 'aaa', index: 0}, {name: 'bbb', index: 1}, 
    {name: 'ccc', index: 2},{name: 'ddd', index: 3},{name: 'eee', index: 4}];

// Simple _index count since I cheated and created a fixed array; 
// the better way would be to enumerate the array 
// and set _index to the highest index found in the array.
var _index = _tasks.length;;

var tasks = new observableArray.ObservableArray(_tasks);
var pageData = new observableModule.Observable();
var page;

exports.onPageLoaded = function(args) {
  page = args.object;
  pageData.set("task", "");
  pageData.set("tasks", tasks);
  page.bindingContext = pageData;

exports.add = function() {
  // Note we are creating a new index, always incrementing so that the
  // _index will always be unique.   UUID's would also work.
  var newIndex = ++_index;

  // Push the name and new created index again using the same "index" field
  tasks.push({ name: pageData.get("task"), index: newIndex });
  pageData.set("task", "");
  viewModule.getViewById( page, "task" ).dismissSoftInput();

exports.del_first = function() {
  viewModule.getViewById( page, "task" ).dismissSoftInput();

exports.remove = function(args) {
  // The args is a event packet, with 
  //    eventName = what event occurred 
  //    object = the object this event occurred against
  // So we need to use the target object, 
  //   then we are getting the "index" PROPERTY we assigned on it in the xml
  var target = args.object;
  var index = target.index;

  // Now we search all the tasks, to find the index that matches our
  // index that the button was pressed on.   Then we delete it and break out of the loop.
  for (var i=0;i<tasks.length;i++) {
    if (tasks.getItem(i).index === index) {



<Page loaded="onPageLoaded">
  <GridLayout rows="auto, *">
    <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="0">
        <TextField width="200" text="{{ task }}" hint="Enter a task" id="task" />
        <Button text="Add" tap="add"></Button>
        <Button text="Delete 1st" tap="del_first"></Button>

    <ListView items="{{ tasks }}" row="1">
            <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="0">
                <Label text="{{ name }}" />
     <!------------ Notice the new "index" property ----------->
                <Button text="x" index="{{ index }}" tap="remove"/>
于 2015-05-22T05:48:51.067 回答