I am facing problem while uploading a file using casperjs. and below is the link of the site: and below is the HTML content

<div id="collapse-file-upload" class="panel-collapse in" data-colwidth="2" style="height: auto;">
<img class="panel-shadow right" width="5px" height="105" src="/img/left_bordergray.png">
<div class="panel-body" style="height: 105px;">
<div id="file-upload-div" class="widget-vsize">
<div id="file-upload-wrapper">
<div id="file-upload-controls" class="btn-group-sm">
<input id="file" type="file" multiple="" style="display: inline;">
<span class="checkbox" style="display: inline-block; padding-top: 6px;">
<input id="upload-to-notebook" type="checkbox">
<span>Upload to notebook</span>
<button id="upload-submit" class="btn btn-default-ext" style="float: right;width: 33px;" type="submit">
<i class="icon-upload-alt"></i>
<div class="progress" style="display:none">
<div id="progress-bar" class="progress-bar" style="width: 0%" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuenow="0" role="progressbar">   
<div id="file-upload-results-row">
<div id="file-upload-results-scroller">
<div id="file-upload-results"> </div>

and below is the casperjs code which i am using for automation

casper.evaluate(function () {
    var element = document.getElementById('file');
    this.sendKeys(element, '/home/prateek/Download/Notebook 1.R');
this.click({ type : 'css' , path : '#upload-submit'});
this.echo('file has been uploaded')

It is not at all selecting the file from that location.Note that i am not running it headless, so that i can see all the operation going on


1 回答 1




casper.then(function () {
        this.evaluate(function (fileName) {
            __utils__.findOne('input[type="file"]').setAttribute('value', fileName)
        }, {fileName: fileName});
        this.page.uploadFile('input[type="file"]', fileName);
        console.log('Selecting a file');
    casper.then(function () {
        casper.evaluate(function () {
        console.log("Clicking on Upload to notebook check box");
        console.log("Clicking on Submit icon");
于 2016-02-22T17:05:10.480 回答