<cfquery name="share_types_query" datasource="phonebook">
SELECT share_loan_type, share_loan_description
FROM shareloantypes
WHERE share_loan='S'
ORDER BY share_loan_type
phonebookQuery(share_types_query, "SHARE_TYPES");
<!--function to take a query and turn the result into a JSON string-->
<cffunction name="phonebookQuery" access="public" returnType="void">
<cfargument name="query" type=query required="yes">
<cfargument name="jsVar" type=string required="yes">
<cfset json = "[ "/>
<cfloop query="query">
<cfset json = json & "{ "/>
<cfset i=1/>
<cfloop list="#arrayToList(query.getColumnList())#" index="col">
<cfset json = json & '"#col#"' & ": "/>
<cfset json = json & '"' & query[col][currentRow] & '"'/>
<cfif i lt ListLen(query.columnList)>
<cfset json = json & ", "/>
<cfset i= i+1/>
<cfset json = json & " }"/>
<cfif currentRow lt recordCount>
<cfset json = json &","/>
<cfset json = json & " ]"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var #toScript(json,Arguments.jsVar)#;
The parameter SELECT to function phonebookQuery is required but was not passed in.
我对 CF 很陌生,我在 CF MX 7 上。