I have three buttons on my website, that link to Facebook, Twitter & vk.com pages. I want to open native app, if it is installed on user device. Otherwise, I want URL fallback to be opened.
First of all, I tried to use native app schemes directly with deep-link.js plugin. But, when I tried to open native app URL scheme, when native app was not installed, Safari has shown an error, but opened URL fallback page finally. Default Android browser said that he does not know how to handle such URL scheme:
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="https://www.facebook.com/warpcompany" data-app-ios="fb://profile/838619192839881" data-app-android="fb://page/838619192839881">Facebook</a>
Then I tried to use App Links "standard", that that has so much promotion from Facebook. I even tried to use their hosted app links, to make sure I've generated everything right way. It does not work, it always redirect to website fallback. You can easily test it by yourself from https://fb.me/746134728830806
Is it possible to provide deep link on website, that will open native app without errors at least in default os browsers, or fallback silently to URL?