我正在尝试实现 JSMPayment 和 EtsPaymentOgoneBundle 但没有成功。
return array(
'form' => $form->createView()
现在,如果我更改此行并返回到树枝模板,我只会得到一个单选按钮。为什么 ?
class PaymentController extends Controller
/** @DI\Inject */
private $request;
/** @DI\Inject */
private $router;
/** @DI\Inject("doctrine.orm.entity_manager") */
private $em;
/** @DI\Inject("payment.plugin_controller") */
private $ppc;
* @param \CTC\Bundle\OrderBundle\Controller\Order $order
* @return RedirectResponse
public function detailsAction(Order $order, Request $request)
$form = $this->getFormFactory()->create('jms_choose_payment_method', null, array(
'amount' => $order->getPackage()->getAmount(),
'currency' => 'EUR',
'default_method' => 'ogone_gateway', // Optional
'predefined_data' => array(
'ogone_gateway' => array(
'tp' => '', // Optional
'PM' => $pm, // Optional - Example value: "CreditCard" - Note: You can consult the list of PM values on Ogone documentation
'BRAND' => $brand, // Optional - Example value: "VISA" - Note: If you send the BRAND field without sending a value in the PM field (‘CreditCard’ or ‘Purchasing Card’), the BRAND value will not be taken into account.
'CN' => $billingAddress->getFullName(), // Optional
'EMAIL' => $this->getUser()->getEmail(), // Optional
'OWNERZIP' => $billingAddress->getPostalCode(), // Optional
'OWNERADDRESS' => $billingAddress->getStreetLine(), // Optional
'OWNERCTY' => $billingAddress->getCountry()->getName(), // Optional
'OWNERTOWN' => $billingAddress->getCity(), // Optional
'OWNERTELNO' => $billingAddress->getPhoneNumber(), // Optional
'lang' => $request->getLocale(), // 5 characters maximum, for e.g: fr_FR
'ORDERID' => '123456', // Optional, 30 characters maximum
if ('POST' === $this->request->getMethod()) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
$this->ppc->createPaymentInstruction($instruction = $form->getData());
return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('payment_complete', array(
'orderNumber' => $order->getOrderNumber(),
return array(
'form' => $form->createView()
public function completeAction(Order $order)
$instruction = $order->getPaymentInstruction();
if (null === $pendingTransaction = $instruction->getPendingTransaction()) {
$payment = $this->ppc->createPayment($instruction->getId(), $instruction->getAmount() - $instruction->getDepositedAmount());
} else {
$payment = $pendingTransaction->getPayment();
$result = $this->ppc->approveAndDeposit($payment->getId(), $payment->getTargetAmount());
if (Result::STATUS_PENDING === $result->getStatus()) {
$ex = $result->getPluginException();
if ($ex instanceof ActionRequiredException) {
$action = $ex->getAction();
if ($action instanceof VisitUrl) {
return new RedirectResponse($action->getUrl());
throw $ex;
} else if (Result::STATUS_SUCCESS !== $result->getStatus()) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Transaction was not successful: '.$result->getReasonCode());
// payment was successful, do something interesting with the order
public function cancelAction(Order $order)
die('cancel the payment');
/** @DI\LookupMethod("form.factory") */
protected function getFormFactory() { }