我需要编写一个函数,它将获取多个 eml 文件(可能来自单个文件系统文件夹)并将它们转换为单个 PST 文件。


我认为这是可能的,因为那里有许多商业 eml 到 pst 转换器这样做


4 回答 4


尽管Outlook 可以打开 EML 文件,但无法仅使用 VBA以编程方式进行。所以我创建了这个 VBA 宏,它遍历某个文件夹并使用SHELL EXEC打开每个 EML 文件。Outlook 打开 EML 文件可能需要几毫秒,因此 VBA 会一直等待,直到在 ActiveInspector 中打开某些内容。最后,这封电子邮件被复制到某个选定的文件夹中,并且(在成功的情况下)原始 EML 文件被删除。

此宏有时会崩溃,但您可以随时重新启动宏,它会从之前崩溃的地方重新启动(请记住,所有成功导入的 EML 文件都会被删除)。如果重启后一直崩溃,那么可能是下一个即将导入的 EML 文件有问题。在这种情况下,您只需删除有问题的 EML。

PS:有时您可以自己打开 EML,而不会导致 Outlook 崩溃,但根据我的测试,每次 EML 文件导致 Outlook 崩溃时,它都是不重要的,例如已读回执。

下面是我的VBA 代码。如果您有任何疑问或问题,请告诉我。

' Code by Ricardo Drizin (contact info at http://www.drizin.com.br)
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Option Explicit

' This method closes ActiveInspectors if any.
' All inporting is based on the assumption that the EML
' is opened by shell and we can refer to it through the ActiveInspector
Function CloseOpenInspectors() As Boolean
    Dim app As Outlook.Application: Set app = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Dim insp As Outlook.Inspector
    Dim count As Integer
    count = 0
    count = count + 1
    Set insp = app.ActiveInspector
    If TypeName(insp) = "Nothing" Then
        CloseOpenInspectors = True
        Exit Function
    End If
    If TypeName(insp.CurrentItem) = "Nothing" Then
        CloseOpenInspectors = True
        Exit Function
    End If
    If (count > 100) Then
        MsgBox "Error. Could not close ActiveInspector. "
        CloseOpenInspectors = False
    End If

    insp.Close (olDiscard)
    GoTo repeat
End Function

' This method allows user to choose a Root Folder in Outlook
' All EML files will be imported under this folder
Function GetRootFolder() As Outlook.folder
    Dim app As Outlook.Application: Set app = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Dim NS As Outlook.NameSpace: Set NS = app.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Dim fold As Outlook.folder
    Set fold = NS.PickFolder
    'MsgBox fold.Name
    Set GetRootFolder = fold
End Function

' Creates a child folder in Outlook, under root folder.
Function GetChildFolder(parentFolder As Outlook.folder, name As String)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim fold2 As Outlook.folder
    Set fold2 = parentFolder.folders.Item(name)
    If Err.Number Then
        On Error GoTo 0
        Set fold2 = parentFolder.folders.Add(name)
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    'MsgBox fold2.Name
    Set GetChildFolder = fold2
End Function

' Imports the EML open in the current ActiveInspector
' into the given folder
Sub ImportOpenItem(targetFolder As Outlook.folder)
    Dim app As Outlook.Application: Set app = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Dim insp As Outlook.Inspector: Set insp = app.ActiveInspector

    Dim retries As Integer
    retries = 0
    While TypeName(insp) = "Nothing" ' READING PANE should be visible, or else it will not work.
        'MsgWaitObj (1000)
        Sleep (50)
        Sleep (50)
        Set insp = app.ActiveInspector
        retries = retries + 1
        'If retries > 100 Then
        '    Stop
        'End If

    If TypeName(insp) = "Nothing" Then
        MsgBox "Error! Could not find open inspector for importing email."
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Dim m As MailItem, m2 As MailItem, m3 As MailItem
    Set m = insp.CurrentItem
    'MsgBox m.Subject
    Set m2 = m.Copy
    Set m3 = m2.Move(targetFolder)
    Set m = Nothing
    Set m2 = Nothing
    Set m3 = Nothing
    insp.Close (olDiscard)
    Set insp = Nothing
End Sub

' Scans a given folder for *.EML files and import them
' into the given folder.
' Each EML file will be deleted after importing.
Sub ImportEMLFromFolder(targetFolder As Outlook.folder, emlFolder As String)
    If Right(emlFolder, 1) <> "\" Then emlFolder = emlFolder & "\"
    Dim firstImport As Boolean: firstImport = True

    Dim file As String
    Dim count As Integer: count = 0
    'MsgBox fold.Items.count
    'Exit Sub
    file = Dir(emlFolder & "*.eml")

    If file = "" Then
        'MsgBox "Finished importing EML files. Total = " & count
        Debug.Print "Finished importing EML files. Total = " & count
        Exit Sub
    End If
    count = count + 1

    Debug.Print "Importing... " & file & " - " & emlFolder
    Shell ("explorer """ & emlFolder & file & """")
    'If firstImport Then Stop
    firstImport = False
    Sleep (50)
    On Error GoTo nextfile
    Call ImportOpenItem(targetFolder)
    Call Kill(emlFolder & file)
    On Error GoTo 0
    Sleep (50)

    file = Dir()
    GoTo repeat
End Sub

' Main method.
' User chooses an Outlook root Folder, and a Windows Explorer root folder.
' All EML files inside this folder and in immediate subfolders will be imported.
Sub ImportAllEMLSubfolders()
    Call CloseOpenInspectors

    MsgBox "Choose a root folder for importing "
    Dim rootOutlookFolder As Outlook.folder
    Set rootOutlookFolder = GetRootFolder()
    If rootOutlookFolder Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    Dim rootWindowsFolder As String
    rootWindowsFolder = "D:\Outlook Express EMLs folder"
    rootWindowsFolder = InputBox("Choose a windows folder where you have your EML files", , rootWindowsFolder)
    If IsNull(rootWindowsFolder) Or IsEmpty(rootWindowsFolder) Or rootWindowsFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
    If Right(rootWindowsFolder, 1) <> "\" Then rootWindowsFolder = rootWindowsFolder & "\"

    Dim subFolders As New Collection

    Dim subFolder As String
    subFolder = Dir(rootWindowsFolder, vbDirectory)
    If subFolder = "." Or subFolder = ".." Then GoTo nextdir
    If (GetAttr(rootWindowsFolder & subFolder) And vbDirectory) = 0 Then GoTo nextdir
    subFolders.Add (subFolder)
    subFolder = Dir()
    If subFolder <> "" Then GoTo repeat

Dim outlookFolder As Outlook.folder

' Importing main folder
Call ImportEMLFromFolder(rootOutlookFolder, rootWindowsFolder)

' Importing subfolders
While subFolders.count
    subFolder = subFolders.Item(1)
    subFolders.Remove (1)
    Set outlookFolder = GetChildFolder(rootOutlookFolder, subFolder)
    Debug.Print "Importing " & rootWindowsFolder & subFolder & " into Outlook folder " & outlookFolder.name & "..."
    Call ImportEMLFromFolder(outlookFolder, rootWindowsFolder & subFolder)
    Debug.Print "Finished"

End Sub
于 2015-11-17T15:58:07.937 回答

很可能是更简单或更好的方法,但一种方法可能是使用 Interop 来自动化 Outlook。可能有一些使用 Outlook 的内置导入功能的能力,这将是我尝试寻找的第一件事。假设这是不可能的,您应该仍然可以通过读取应用程序中的 eml 文件然后通过 Interop 创建邮件项来做到这一点。

通常,eml 文件只是 MIME 格式的文本文件,因此只需将它们作为文本文件读取并解析即可。是一篇关于从 C# 解析 MIME 的文章,否则只需搜索“POP3 C#”,您就会找到其他相关文章。

然后,您可以使用此处Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook所述的命名空间中的Outlook 互操作。

猜测一下,我假设您可能必须首先创建一个Application对象,然后使用它来获取Store对象(我认为每个 PST 文件都是一个Store),然后Folder在其中找到某种方法来创建MailItem使用数据您从 eml 文件中解析。

本文介绍了使用 Outlook 自动化来创建联系人和约会,并且可能很有用。

于 2010-06-12T18:09:12.230 回答


  set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
  set Folder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
  set Msg = Folder.Items.Add("IPM.Note")
  Msg.Sent = true
  Msg.Import("c:\temp\test.eml", 1024)
于 2013-04-22T16:47:42.123 回答

您可以在此处找到 pst 文件格式的规范。但我想你会花一些时间把它们放在一起来自己创建一个 eml->pst 解析器。但这应该是可能的。

于 2010-06-12T18:23:25.660 回答