REF_REGEX = re.compile('''
(?<!\w) # Not preceded by any words
(?P<quote>q(?:uote)?\s+)? # Match optional 'q' or 'quote' followed by many spaces
(?:(?:[1-3]|I{1,3})\s*)? # Match an optional arabic or roman number between 1 and 3.
[A-Za-z]+ # Match any alphabetics
)\.? # Followed by an optional dot
\s*(?P<chapter>\d+) # Match the chapter number
[:\.](?P<startverse>\d+) # Match the starting verse number, preceded by ':' or '.'
(?:-(?P<endverse>\d+))? # Match the optional ending verse number, preceded by '-'
)? # Verse numbers are optional
\s+(?: # Here be spaces
(?:from\s+)|(?:in\s+)|(?P<lbrace>\()) # Match 'from[:space:]', 'in[:space:]' or '('
\s*(?P<version>\w+) # Match a word preceded by optional spaces
(?(lbrace)\)) # Close the '(' if found earlier
)? # The whole 'in|from|()' is optional
"jn 3:16": (None, 'jn', '3', '16', None, None, None),
"matt. 18:21-22": (None, 'matt', '18', '21', '22', None, None),
"q matt. 18:21-22": ('q ', 'matt', '18', '21', '22', None, None),
"QuOTe jn 3:16": ('QuOTe ', 'jn', '3', '16', None, None, None),
"q 1co13:1": ('q ', '1co', '13', '1', None, None, None),
"q 1 co 13:1": ('q ', '1 co', '13', '1', None, None, None),
"quote 1 co 13:1": ('quote ', '1 co', '13', '1', None, None, None),
"quote 1co13:1": ('quote ', '1co', '13', '1', None, None, None),
"jean 3:18 (PDV)": (None, 'jean', '3', '18', None, '(', 'PDV'),
"quote malachie 1.1-2 fRom Colombe": ('quote ', 'malachie', '1', '1', '2', None, 'Colombe'),
"quote malachie 1.1-2 In Colombe": ('quote ', 'malachie', '1', '1', '2', None, 'Colombe'),
"cinq jn 3:16 (test)": (None, 'jn', '3', '16', None, '(', 'test'),
"Q IIKings5.13-58 from wolof": ('Q ', 'IIKings', '5', '13', '58', None, 'wolof'),
"This text is about lv5.4-6 in KJV only": (None, 'lv', '5', '4', '6', None, 'KJV'),
"Found in 2 Cor. 5:18-21 ( Ministers": (None, '2 Cor', '5', '18', '21', None, None),
因为它(None, 'in', '2', None, None, None, None)
有没有办法让 finditer() 返回所有匹配项,即使它们重叠,或者有没有办法改进我的正则表达式,使其正确匹配最后一点?