The source data is a SSAS cube, which contains information about tickets, particularly priority, date opened, and date closed.
Each ticket has a priority and date opened value, though the closed value may be null or another placeholder value (subject to change).
A ticket is represented by a record in the source table with the mentioned attributes, and in the cube each of the dates are linked to a date dimension record (with the exception of the potentially null closed date).
I utilize a named-set to limit the data from the cube to the past 13 months.

The desired result is a multiple column stacked bar chart, the Series Grouping should be Priority thereby creating the stack with Y-axis representing a ticket count dependent on the X-axis which is a grouping by month.
Each month grouping should have a stack dependent on the opened and closed dates.

The closest I've come is utilizing the category expressions but I have beginners knowledge in this.

Any suggestions in either the way I'm pulling the dataset from the cube with MDX to alleviate the creation of the chart or features of the SSRS chart control are welcome.

Thank you.


1 回答 1


经过详尽的调查,这似乎是在 OLAP 多维数据集中使用角色扮演维度时的常见问题。这是从单个事实返回到单个维度的多个连接。例如,当尝试在轴上生成带有日期的报告时,其中日期维度是角色扮演维度,存在非用户友好的体验。



于 2015-05-15T20:34:49.940 回答