I am using countries and country_select gems. There are some countries missing in the gems, or states of a country is it possible can we add new countries or states with custom data and use in our rails project.? What I need to do that?


2 回答 2


Clone the gem repositories, make your changes and in your projects Gemfile refer to your own repositories for those gems. If you think your changes are useful for the community: make a pull request for the original project.

于 2015-05-15T08:03:00.490 回答

Change the yaml file: https://github.com/hexorx/countries/blob/master/lib/cache/translations.yaml

If you have made changes to YAML run rake clean_yaml prior to committing to ensure your YAML is formatted properly.

于 2015-05-15T08:10:53.923 回答