I have the dummy data in the following jsfiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/epvg86qu/18/ and when user clicks on the line, then it calls DetailChart_Click() method draws other data series (stats,stats2), viceversa.

However when I try to implement this functionality (seriesClick) in my actual project, it only calls DetailChart_Click() method once when it initialize.However, it does not call/trigger that method when user clicks on the line series.

var isHover=false;  

self.updateChart = function () {
            var chart = $("#chart").data("kendoChart");
            chart.options.series = self.dataSeries1;                          
            chart.options.seriesClick = DetailChart_Click();        

function DetailChart_Click() {
        if (!isHover) {
            var chart = $("#chart").data("kendoChart");
            chart.options.series = self.dataSeries2;
            isHover = true;
        else if (isHover) {
            var chart = $("#chart").data("kendoChart");
            chart.options.series = self.dataSeries1;
            isHover = false;

1 回答 1


You can use the below snippet to bind your DetailChart_Click() after initialization:

var chart = $("#chart").data("kendoChart");
chart.bind("seriesClick", DetailChart_Click);

Taken from here.

Alternatively, bind it during initialization as shown in their demo.

Additional note

What you are doing currently below:

chart.options.seriesClick = DetailChart_Click();

is calling the DetailChart_Click function and assign the return value (which is undefined as it has no return value) to seriesClick, which is not what you want. Generally if you want to register callbacks such as this one, you'd want to omit those parentheses (which makes it a reference to the function DetailChart_Click) and assign it to the seriesClick, which is what you intended to do.

However, even if you remove the parentheses in your code above, you assigned it wrongly, as the seriesClick callback should be registered by bind method of the chart, instead of assigning it to the options property of the chart.

Hope it helps!

于 2015-05-15T14:46:35.343 回答