我正在使用 Drupal 5,并且有很多我想更改其输出的视图。使用视图向导,我可以为每个实例创建一个不同的模板,但我想对我的所有视图进行相同的更改,并且主题目录中有 30 个文件接缝,就像大量的维护和代码一样。有谁知道是否有一种默认方式可以同时处理所有视图,然后使用我目前拥有的一次性使用?
* views template to output one 'row' of a view.
* This code was generated by the views theming wizard
* Date: November 17, 2008 - 2:07pm
* View: home_articles_latest
* Variables available:
* $view -- the entire view object. Important parts of this object are
* home_articles_latest, .
* $view_type -- The type of the view. Probably 'page' or 'block' but could
* also be 'embed' or other string passed in from a custom view creator.
* $node -- the raw data. This is not a real node object, but will contain
* the nid as well as other support fields that might be necessary.
* $count -- the current row in the view (not TOTAL but for this page) starting
* from 0.
* $stripe -- 'odd' or 'even', alternating. * $title -- Display the title of the node.
* $title_label -- The assigned label for $title
* $comment_count -- This will display the comment count.
* $comment_count_label -- The assigned label for $comment_count
* $field_abstract_value --
* $field_abstract_value_label -- The assigned label for $field_abstract_value
* This function goes in your views-list-home_articles_latest.tpl.php file
//now we add the stylesheet...
//drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() .'/views-list-home_articles_latest.css');
<?php print $view ?>
<div class="view-label view-field-title">
<?php print $title_label ?>
<div class="view-field view-data-title">
<?php print $title?>
<?php if ($comment_count != '0' && $view_type == 'block'): ?>
<div class="view-label view-field-comment-count">
<?php print $comment_count_label ?>
<div class="view-field view-data-comment-count">
<?php print $add?><?php print $comment_count?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($count == 0): ?>
<div class="view-label view-field-field-abstract-value">
<?php print $field_abstract_value_label ?>
<div class="view-field view-data-field-abstract-value">
<?php print $field_abstract_value?>
<?php endif; ?>
* views template to output a view.
* This code was generated by the views theming wizard
* Date: November 17, 2008 - 2:07pm
* View: home_articles_latest
* This function goes in your template.php file
function phptemplate_views_view_list_home_articles_latest($view, $nodes, $type) {
$fields = _views_get_fields();
$taken = array();
// Set up the fields in nicely named chunks.
foreach ($view->field as $id => $field) {
$field_name = $field['field'];
if (isset($taken[$field_name])) {
$field_name = $field['queryname'];
$taken[$field_name] = true;
$field_names[$id] = $field_name;
// Set up some variables that won't change.
$base_vars = array(
'view' => $view,
'view_type' => $type,
foreach ($nodes as $i => $node) {
$vars = $base_vars;
$vars['node'] = $node;
$vars['count'] = $i;
$vars['stripe'] = $i % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
foreach ($view->field as $id => $field) {
$name = $field_names[$id];
$vars[$name] = views_theme_field('views_handle_field', $field['queryname'], $fields, $field, $node, $view);
if (isset($field['label'])) {
$vars[$name . '_label'] = $field['label'];
$items[] = _phptemplate_callback('views-list-home_articles_latest', $vars);
if ($items) {
return theme('item_list', $items);