我正在尝试创建一个 python 代码,它将加密和解密单词,除了块加密之外一切正常。我只需要找到一种方法来摆脱所有的空间 - 这是我一直在使用的代码
#Stops the program going over the 25 (because 26 would be useless)
#character limit
MAX = 25
#Main menu and ensuring only the 3 options are chosen
def getMode():
while True:
print('Main Menu: Encrypt (e), Decrypt (d), Stop (s), Block Encrypt (be).')
mode = input().lower()
if mode in 'encrypt e decrypt d block encrypt be'.split():
return mode
if mode in 'stop s'.split():
print('Please enter only "encrypt", "e", "decrypt", "d", "stop", "s" or "block encrypt", "be"')
def getMessage():
print('Enter your message:')
return input()
#Creating the offset factor
def getKey():
key = 0
while True:
print('Enter the offset factor (1-%s)' % (MAX))
key = int(input())
if (key >= 1 and key <= MAX):
return key
#Decryption with the offset factor
def getTranslatedMessage(mode, message, key):
if mode[0] == 'd':
#The key is inversed so that it simply takes away the offset factor instead
#of adding it
key = -key
translated = ''
if mode[0] == 'be':
string.replace(" ","")
#The spaces are all removed for the block encryption
#Ensuring that only letters are attempted to be coded
for symbol in message:
if symbol.isalpha():
number = ord(symbol)
number += key
#Ensuring the alphabet loops back over to "a" if it goes past "z"
if symbol.isupper():
if number > ord('Z'):
number -= 26
elif number < ord('A'):
number += 26
elif symbol.islower():
if number > ord('z'):
number -= 26
elif number < ord('a'):
number += 26
translated += chr(number)
translated += symbol
return translated
#Returns translated text
mode = getMode()
message = getMessage()
key = getKey()
#Retrieving the mode, message and key
print('The translated message is:')
print(getTranslatedMessage(mode, message, key))
#Tells the user what the message is
if mode[0] == 'be':
string.replace(" ","")
这是我试图摆脱无效空间的尝试。如果有人可以提供帮助,那就太好了。每 5 个字母设置一个空格会更好,但我不需要。谢谢您的帮助