We would like to call a scheme closure from C# using IronScheme, but we keep getting an exception, saying "not a pair".
We would like to call the following Scheme code:
(define (create-robot name)
(let* (
(position (cons 0 0))
(move-forward(lambda (x)
(set! position (cons (car position) (+ x (cdr position))))
(list name (cons 'position position) (cons 'move-forward move-forward))));return attribute 'name' and procedure 'move-north'
(define (get-from-robot r name)
(cdr (assq name (cdr r))))
Using the following code in C#:
Callable c1 = schemeInterpretor.getCallable("create-robot");
Cons john = (Cons)c1.Call("john");
Callable getFromRobot = schemeInterpretor.getCallable("get-from-robot");
getFromRobot.Call(john , "'position");
We get the following exception:
{"not a pair"} {&assertion
&who: "cdr"
&message: "not a pair"
&irritants: (#f)
What is causing the problem? How can we solve it?