This is the code I have:

for (SearchData searchData1 : searchDataTemp){
                            Log.i("", "test is favourite searchdata:" + searchData1.getIs_favorite() + "..name: " + searchData1.getTitle());
 Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(getActivity());
                            List<SearchData> managedSeachData = realm.copyToRealmOrUpdate(searchDataTemp);
for (SearchData searchData1 : managedSeachData) {
                                Log.i("", "test is favourite searchdata:" + searchData1.getIs_favorite() + "..name: " + searchData1.getTitle());

This is what I get for the normal list in my logs:

test is favourite searchdata:true..name: Vondelpark

This is what I get for the managed Realmlist in my logs:

test is favourite searchdata:false..name: Vondelpark

Any ideea how this can be fixed?

PS: This is my SearchData model:

public class SearchData extends RealmObject{
private String id;
private String title;
private String subtitle;
private String reference;
private String place_id;
private boolean is_favorite;
private int timestamp;
private String last_travel_mode;
private Geometry geometry;
private double distance;
private boolean close;
private int visited_count;

public String getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(String id) {
    this.id = id;

public String getTitle() {
    return title;

public void setTitle(String title) {
    this.title = title;

public String getSubtitle() {
    return subtitle;

public void setSubtitle(String subtitle) {
    this.subtitle = subtitle;

public String getReference() {
    return reference;

public void setReference(String reference) {
    this.reference = reference;

public String getPlace_id() {
    return place_id;

public void setPlace_id(String place_id) {
    this.place_id = place_id;

public boolean getIs_favorite() {
    return is_favorite;

public void setIs_favorite(boolean is_favorite) {
    this.is_favorite = is_favorite;

public int getTimestamp() {
    return timestamp;

public void setTimestamp(int timestamp) {
    this.timestamp = timestamp;

public String getLast_travel_mode() {
    return last_travel_mode;

public void setLast_travel_mode(String last_travel_mode) {
    this.last_travel_mode = last_travel_mode;

public Geometry getGeometry() {
    return geometry;

public void setGeometry(Geometry geometry) {
    this.geometry = geometry;

public double getDistance() {
    return distance;

public void setDistance(double distance) {
    this.distance = distance;

public boolean isClose() {
    return close;

public void setClose(boolean close) {
    this.close = close;

public boolean is_favorite() {
    return is_favorite;

public int getVisited_count() {
    return visited_count;

public void setVisited_count(int visited_count) {
    this.visited_count = visited_count;

public SearchData() {

public SearchData(String id, String title, String subtitle, String reference, String place_id, boolean is_favorite, int timestamp, String last_travel_mode , int visited_count){
    this.id = id;
    this.title = title;
    this.subtitle = subtitle;
    this.reference = reference;
    this.place_id = place_id;
    this.is_favorite = is_favorite;
    this.timestamp = timestamp;
    this.last_travel_mode = last_travel_mode;
    this.visited_count = visited_count;

public SearchData(String id, String title, String subtitle, String reference, String place_id, boolean is_favorite, int timestamp, String last_travel_mode, Geometry geometry , int visited_count){
    this.id = id;
    this.title = title;
    this.subtitle = subtitle;
    this.reference = reference;
    this.place_id = place_id;
    this.is_favorite = is_favorite;
    this.timestamp = timestamp;
    this.last_travel_mode = last_travel_mode;
    this.geometry = geometry;
    this.visited_count = visited_count;


1 回答 1



在这种情况下,Realm 注释处理器仅覆盖 is_favorite()。这就是为什么getIs_favorite()总是返回false

于 2015-05-15T19:42:46.453 回答